Tag Archives: Teen Titans

So Long For Now to the TEEN TITANS (Review of Annual #3)

teen titans annual 3 coverThis volume of TEEN TITANS ends where it began, in the ultimate battle with Harvest!  The Titans find that Harvest’s plan is even more convoluted (and diabolical) than they had even dreamed.  Can they defeat this threat…can they even survive?  That’s where we join the Teen Titans for one more adventure in their current incarnation, in TEEN TITANS ANNUAL !


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So Long, Farewell…Review of TEEN TITANS #29

teen titans 29 coverIt has finally come to this…the trial of Kid Flash, and now Solstice is complete and they are preparing for transport to the prison planet.  It’s a time of goodbyes, of thinking about what might have been and what might yet be…


We start issue #29 with Solstice’s story, and why she cares so much for Kid Flash.  There are some sad goodbyes here, as Tim Drake not only says goodbye to Bart and Kiran but to his vision of the Titans.  His words for Bart are a bit surprising, but what he does after saying goodbye to them is an even bigger surprise…won’t spoil it here, though.  In the end, the remaining Titans make their way back to their own time, and what they find leads us into the upcoming final battle with Harvest so hold on to your hats!

Scott Lobdell has written another excellent script for this series.  I’ve said it before but it bears repeating – your opinion of this story and this series will depend in no small part on whether you can take this New 52 Titans group at face value.  If you are looking for the pre-FLASHPOINT Bart, he isn’t here.  But, if you are looking for a well-crafted tale this is definitely worth the read.  The artwork is exceptional – Scott McDaniel handles the breakdowns, with Tyler Kirkham taking the artwork from there and Arif Prianto on colors.  There is a bittersweet quality to much of this issue, with some interesting twists as well.  There is just one more issue left in the series…that’s a sad note as well, but I am looking forward to the big battle with Harvest next issue.

The Explosive Trial! Review of Teen Titans #27

Teen Titans 27 coverBart Allen…er, Bar Torr is on trial in the bleak future that he left, a prisoner of the Functionary that had sent him to our time as part of their “Witness Protection Program”.  The other Titans are there, having learned just how far Kid Flash had gone in his earlier fight against the rulers of his time.  Now, the Titans seem helpless as they watch the lead-up to a massive show trial…and that’s where we pick up to Teen Titans #27.


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Secrets Revealed! Review of Teen Titans #26

teen titans 26 coverWe are finally getting to the story that has eluded us for over two years – the real story behind the New 52 Kid Flash.  We’ll try to not be too spoilerish here, but this is a significant issue in every sense of the word.  We can finally see what has been driving Bart all this time, and what has been hidden till now…even from himself!


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The Origin of Kid Flash Starts Here! Review of Teen Titans #25

teen titans 25 coverThe New 52 Bart Allen has a dark secret, one that is finally coming to light as we prepare for the “Trial of Kid Flash” in Teen Titans #25.  But, just what DID he do…and how did he end up in our present time?  There’s a LOT more to this story, and that’s where we pick up with the latest issue of Teen Titans.


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