Tag Archives: Turbine

Flash Team Talks Rogues Plus Issue #6 Preview at USA Today

Flash writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato are featured in a new article and interview over at USAToday.com, which also has an exclusive preview of issue , out this Wednesday.

Manapul and Buccellato continue to hint at the mystery surrounding the Rogues’ new power manifestations, as well as their view of the Flash and the world at large, in the New 52.  The group will be introduced one-by-one, according to Manapul:

“They have reasons for feeling how they feel about him and that will unfold over the course of the next two issues,” Buccellato says. “The dynamic is the same — it’s just the relationships are not the same as they were because some stuff has happened.”

While there’s a certain charm to them working together, Manapul adds, “showcasing them one by one at the moment puts an emphasis on how much stronger these characters are.”

Manapul states that Captain Cold is “definitely a lot more dangerous than he was before,” but also addresses what sets the Rogue and his associates apart in the New 52 DCU:

“The Rogues are about the score — they’re about getting in, getting paid and getting out. They’re not the Joker, they’re not Lex Luthor. They have their own way of doing things,” Buccellato says.

For more, including Manapul on Cold’s bold new look, check out USA Today!

Flash #8 Solicitation and Cover

Variant cover by KENNETH ROCAFORT
1:200 B&W Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
On sale APRIL 25 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

The Flash gets pulled into the Speed Force that gives him his super-speed powers…and he learns he’s not alone in there! Introducing Turbine, a prisoner of the Speed Force who just wants out – even if it means trading places with The Flash!

DC’s April Justice League solicitations are up at The Source. Full solicitations including upcoming collections will be forthcoming.