A couple of items from my notes at the “Final Crisis Management” panel Friday at Comic-Con.
Geoff Johns mentioned that some stuff in Rogues’ Revenge spills over into Flash: Rebirth.
A fan asked Geoff, since he wasn’t alive when Barry died, what he was going to do to make him care. Geoff reiterated his “Trust me” line from yesterday.
Three fans got to go up on stage and read a photocopied proof of Final Crisis #3 and were given the chance to answer questions from the audience. Yes, Barry Allen is in issue #3.
Someone asked, why bring Barry back? And why now? Geoff Johns answered that he led the Silver Age, there were lots of thematic ideas, and that the question will figure into Rebirth, with Barry himself asking, “Why am I back?” Dan Didio added that it brings the Crisis story full circle. And that, like Hal Jordan, Barry never really left — people were always bringing him into stories through flashbacks, time travel, impostors, etc.
And, not that anyone should doubt it by now, the lightning rod from “The Lightning Saga” will be addressed in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds.
Update: More complete coverage of the panel at CBR, at Newsarama, and at The Pulse.
nice to know Moose is coloring. He does a good job on Green Lantern books.