- First view of the Long Beach convention center. I haven’t been here in ages.
- Last time I was here, I don’t think there was a mall across the street!
- Realized I’ve walked by the gold Boba Fett 4 or 5 times w/o stopping to take a photo. I am so jaded.
- Flash news from DC Nation panel (in other post)
Mark Waid: if DC did an animated Flash feature, he would want Will Wheaton to voice Wally West.
- Waid on appeal of superheroes: Nobody knows what it’s like to have super-speed, but everyone knows what it’s like to wish you were faster.
- Waid on writing: find the method that works for you and embrace it. Don’t beat yourself up over what doesn’t.
- Taking a break from the con to wander outside. Will head back for the Mark Waid signing at 2:30.
- Primary goals achieved! Panels & signings by Mark Waid & Geoff Johns. Now an iced mocha, then back to the floor.
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Update: Full write-up and photos are now online!