This Week: Digital Flash Back Issues – Wally West #7-12 & Adventure Comics #461-466

DC and ComiXology have added six more issues of the 1987 Flash vol.2 starring Wally West, all at the 99-cent price point.

These issues introduce Red Trinity and Blue Trinity, two teams of ex-Soviet speedsters, as well as Chunk, who would go on to become a regular supporting cast member. Issue #12 begins the Vandal Savage/Velocity 9 story that straddles the transition from Mike Baron to William Messner-Loebs.

70 issues out of 249 (including and ,000,000) are now available digitally, including the complete first year. Mike Baron’s run is almost complete, with just two more issues to go. It’s not clear whether DC has a regular schedule for these digital back-issues, but the last time they added to this series was January’s addition of #1-6. This suggests that they’ll be adding six issues every few months, starting at the beginning and working forward, filling in around the issues released as part of the Flash 101 promotion last year.

» The Flash (1987-2009) on ComiXology

They’ve also added six issues of Adventure Comics from its 1970s run as an anthology book. Issues #459-466 featured eight Flash solo stories starring Barry Allen. During the heavily serialized Bronze Age, these were throwbacks to the more goofy done-in-one Silver Age stories. I didn’t even know about them until I read one of Mark Waid’s interviews in The Flash Companion, then I started tracking them down on eBay. I’ve read the lot of them, and wrote about the stories here a couple of years back. ComiXology has Adventure Comics #461-466 online at $1.99 each.

Only a handful of the Silver/Bronze Age Flash series are available, most posted during the Flash 101 sale mentioned above.

» The Flash (1959-1985) on ComiXology
» Adventure Comics on ComiXology


5 thoughts on “This Week: Digital Flash Back Issues – Wally West #7-12 & Adventure Comics #461-466

  1. Kyer

    Where’s the issue where Barry was jogging along ON some evil clouds like they were stepping stones? I saw a scan of this so I’m pretty sure it was legit and not some April Fool’s fan art joke. More than any other Silver Age story, that one picture had me going WTF is going on here and did the EPA get on Allen’s case for messing with the environment? 😛

      1. Kyer

        How is comixology working out? I recall you had some inconveniences with it dropping purchases?

        Also, Thrillbent has a new issue out. If Insufferable was a book, I’d buy it. Pretty good for a trial run product.

  2. Rob S.

    I suspect we’ll see more Wally Flash issues next week. DC seems to be posting a handful of issues in weekly chunks lately — five or six to start with, then slowing down to around 3 per week. Birds of Prey and the Cass Cain Batgirl are among those getting the treatment now. I’m glad to see DC moving out of the Bat-family a little more, and especially glad to see that Wally (and the William Messner-Loebs Wonder Woman) seem to be next in line for the treatment.

    Anyway, we’ll see on Wednesday whether this will be a more frequent thing than once every few months. I certainly hope so!

  3. Javi

    I’m buying these to show DC there is a demand for Wally, especially the early Waid issues!

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