Robinson Leaves on a High Note…Review of Earth 2 #16

earth 2 16 coverThe battle is on with Steppenwolf and his forces.  Can even the new Wonders of Earth 2 stand against this threat?  Things aren’t looking so good for our heroes, as James Robinson pens his last issue of Earth 2.  This issue has more action than all the previous issues combined…and the reveal at the end is a HUGE shocker!


The Wonders are continuing their fight against Steppenwolf.  But, even with a healing spell from Doctor Fate our heroes may not be up to the task.  The Flash, the Atom, Green Lantern, Doctor Fate and Sandman combined just aren’t getting anywhere…and that’s before Brutal steps in.  The action is big in this issue, and the payoff is a HUGE cliffhanger.  I can’t say more here without being far too spoilerish…but wow!

James Robinson reminds us once again why this series has been one of the very best of the New 52, ending his run on a terrific high note.  This issue ties up a lot of loose threads from the very beginning of the series while setting the stage for a lot more to come.  Nicola Scott’s pencils and Trevor Scott’s inks are once again stellar – the look of this series is consistently exceptional, with great colors from Pete Pantazis.  I will truly miss Robinson’s work on this series…but at least we have been given a truly great story to end this run.



6 thoughts on “Robinson Leaves on a High Note…Review of Earth 2 #16

  1. Kyer

    As a big fan of the character who is the big ‘spoiler’….I’m torn between disgusted and angr…
    Well, no. I’m just disgusted. Enough already with destroying the last vestiges of what I used to love about you, DC.

    1. Scarlet Speedster

      I hear ya- I’ve been disgusted with everything they’ve done with JSA & all the Golden Age characters. DC used to have a place of honor & respect for them, handling their Golden Age characters better than Marvel until now. Jay, Alan, & Ted as the elder statesmen of the DCU, & the rich, multigenerational legacy aspect of the JSA were big draws for me. Earth 2 has been a poor substitute from the start. DC made alot promises to appease JSA fans before Earth 2 came out, gave us hope of seeing them again-instead we get these updates that are the characters in name only. I felt like when I got the first issues of Earth 2 they were promising me the Taj Mahal but sold me an outhouse instead.

      1. Kyer

        Well, you might see some hope with the newest Smallville plot where Jay has a school for young metas. “Titans” Unfortunately, when I see TITANS I think either Greek mythology or Dick, Wally, Cyborg, and a -green- Beast Boy. (Also, never exactly cared for the Wonder Twins.)

        1. Scarlet Speedster

          I’ll have to check that out. I always wished Jay or Alan would’ve made their way onto the “Absolute Justice Epsiode” besides just a random guy with a ring or a helmet cameo. I’m with you on the Titans thing- just like the JSA, the Titans are now completely unrecognizable. Heck, I don’t know how things even work continuity-wise, with things like no Wally, Cyborg’s new League-connected origins, & the weird stuff with Kory & Roy- Dick is basically the only one unscathed. I often wonder just exactly how the original Titans & the Wolfman/Perez Titans existed in DCnU. Dick, Kory & Roy acknowledge their time as Titans, but the Cyborg thing confuses everything. Just like Alan Scott- he was sorta Kyle Rayner’s mentor, & Kyle had a big relationship with Jade- now that they’re retconned out, how does that work? Those continuity conundrums are the kinda things about the New 52 that make me have a headache.

          1. Kyer

            How does the new continuity work? I view it like a DC version of The Stepford Wives: they replaced ‘real’ characters with these “name only” robots programmed to shamelessly do their master’s bidding. The new continuity works because it’s new (or was new) and Because They Say So! Do Not Question lest you find your self replaced by a Comic Fan robot! 😀


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