Monthly Archives: February 2016

“Public Enemy”: Review of THE FLASH #48

Flash #48The Reverse Flash has been jailed, Henry Allen is now a free man, and the world is going to turn right back to normal, right? Let’s take a moment to praise…no, make that ARREST The Flash! Yes, the Flash’s troubles are far from over, as the Mayor has ordered the CCPD to set up a task force to take down the Scarlet Speedster. Joining that task force? None other than the Rogues! Before we say anything spoilery, let’s skip past the jump…


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“Welcome to Earth-2” – Review of THE FLASH Ep 2.13

In the first part of our trip to Earth-2, we find some very Interesting doppelgangers…and some surprising developments happening on both Earth-1 and Earth-2! There’s not a lot more we can say without being spoilery, so follow us after the jump for more!


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“Welcome To Earth-2” Promos

tumblr_o28wjsrEER1u6rxqto1_1280 This week we’ll be getting our first really good look at Earth-2 in The Flash series, and the CW’s going all out to tease it. First, here’s an official promotional poster of Earth-2’s Caitlin Snow, who happens to be the villainous Killer Frost. has a gallery of official stills from the episode, giving us a glimpse at Earth-2’s Barry, Joe, Iris, Caitlin, and Ronnie.

And the CW’s Tumblr blog has the one-page preview comic from the episode, showing the meeting with Earth-2’s Barry. Looks like he’s pretty similar in both universes, and they should get along well.

Looking forward to the episode? Fortunately it’s on tonight, so you don’t have to wait long!

Flash #48 Preview is Up

Flash #48Blastr has a preview of Flash #48, due out on Wednesday. After the disastrous battle with Professor Zoom, Central City wants the police to bring in the Flash — and they’re deputizing the Rogues to do it!

Venditti and Jensen continue as writers, and the new art team of Jesus Merino and Guy Major take over this issue, with a cover by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.