Category Archives: Flash History

‘Do-Over: Barry Allen’s 1970s Hair-Reboot, Revisited

There are some big changes on the horizon at DC Comics, many of which have fans wondering if this brave new world will even remotely resemble the one they fell in love with.  DC is even taking a look back at its rich history with the line of Retroactive books, beginning this week.

While some current stories will continue on and adapt with the changes, most will be re-cast in the light of the new universe.  There’s no denying the magnitude of many of the updates and revamps due this fall.  However, anyone concerned about the future is best served to learn from the past.

From his first appearance in 1956, Barry Allen sported a distinct crew-cut.  It, along with the now even-more-dated bow-tie, defined the character’s look and “regular-guy” personality to the point that it has become the default look for any stories set prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths.  However, in 1970, DC Comics decided to do away with all vestiges of the heretofore unwavering ‘do.  In its place, a golden mane of modern manhood crested atop Barry’s visage.

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Happy Anniversary!: The Flash, Years Three

As Speed Force marks its third birthday, we thought it would be kind of fun to take a look back at where each of the Fastest Men Alive were in the third year of their careers.  It ended up being really fun.

A lot can change in three years, but Speed Force is still the place for up-to-the-picosecond Flash news and analysis.  What about the heroes who inspired Speed Force?  Where were Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West exactly three years after their titles launched?  We’ll take a look at those three issues, and the creators involved.

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A Brief Timeline of Flash Launches

  • 1940: Flash Comics introduces Jay Garrick. The series runs until 1949.
  • 1941: All-Flash launches, a second title featuring the Flash, running until 1948.
  • 1956: Showcase introduces Barry Allen, ushering in the Silver Age of comics.
  • 1959: The Flash vol.1 #105 launches, featuring Barry, and runs until 1985.
  • 1987: Flash vol.2 launches featuring Wally West in the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths universe. The series runs until 2006.
  • 2006: Flash: The Fastest Man Alive launches featuring Bart Allen. The series runs one year.
  • 2007: Flash vol.2 #231 picks up where the previous Wally West series left off, and lasts another year and a half.
  • 2009: Flash: Rebirth (miniseries) re-introduces Barry Allen.
  • 2010: Flash vol.3 launches, featuring Barry Allen, and lasts one year.
  • 2011: Flash vol.4 launches, reintroducing the post-Flashpoint version of Barry Allen.

Three major launches from 1940-2005 (four if you count Showcase and Flash #105 separately, which I suppose I should if I’m counting Flash: Rebirth separately from Flash vol.3), with remarkably consistent creative teams. Five relaunches from 2006-2011.

Things have changed a bit…

Annotations: Flash #278, “Road to Oblivion”

Hot on the heels of our two-part interview with comic book legend Cary Bates, we dive right back into our analysis of his Flash work!  Links to research and artwork are included throughout this post.

UP TO SPEED: Barry Allen, the Flash, has buried his beloved wife, Iris.  After fighting his way through a vicious drugging at the hands of an unknown assailant, Barry considered retirement.  Convinced (or manipulated) to stay in the cowl by an ESP-powered fan, Barry embarked a manhunt for Clive Yorkin, Iris’s accused killer…

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Annotations: Flash #277, “The Self-Destruct Flash”

Following the devastation of issue #275 and the immediate fallout in #276, Flash #277 had a lot to deliver.  Iris was dead and Barry’s mind was ravaged by a massive dose of PCP.  He found himself aboard the Justice League Satellite, begging his friends and teammates to bring her back to life by any means.

This type of subject matter was far beyond mainstream superhero norms of the era.  A drug-addled Flash begging the JLA to bring Iris back from the dead is a shocking turn for a character who was, less than a year before, engaged in stories about Golden Age comic books.  Even more notable is that the change occurred while the title maintained the same writer: Flash legend Cary Bates.

UP TO SPEED: Flash has turned on his fellow JLA members, threatening to take down the entire Satellite with him!  Links to research and artwork are included throughout this post.

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Annotations: Flash #276, “Freakout!”

…and we’re back with the newest installment in our Flash notes!  Hot on the heels of Cary Bates’ classic #275, the action doesn’t stop as Flash is pushed to new limits!  Links to artwork and research are included throughout this post.

UP TO SPEED: Last week, Barry and Iris found renewed passion after a female fan was able to unmask Barry as Flash.  Attending a costume party in his Flash duds, Barry was targeted by heroin smugglers and mysteriously drugged.  Iris, tending to Barry, was attacked off-panel.  Responding to her cries, Barry discovered Iris unconscious, and deranged convict Clive Yorkin hovering over her apparently lifeless body.  Barry collapsed attempting to lift his wife, prompting party-goers to call an ambulance…for the one of them who was still alive!

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