Wow, DC is serious about this “Metal” thing, huh?
Category Archives: Fun
2017 Flash Cosplay Photos
I attended three comic conventions this year (Toronto Comic Con, Niagara Falls Comic Con, and Fan Expo Toronto), and while there weren’t a lot of Flash-related cosplayers, I did see a few! I photographed Speedforce reader Andrew back in March and promised to post the photos here, but ended up so busy with TV season blogging that I never got around to posting them. Eventually I decided to post all of them together after Fan Expo, which was last weekend. So without further ado, here they are! Plus one photo of me cosplaying as the Top this year, which was taken by my husband.
It seems like Jay Garrick and the Rogues were the more popular subjects for cosplay this year (I briefly saw a CW Reverse Flash at Fan Expo last weekend, but he managed to vanish after I glanced away for a moment and was never seen again, so I didn’t get a photo). I’m looking forward to seeing even more outfits in 2018!
Speedy Cereal
Considering Wally West’s favorite cereal is canonically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs (a 1990s-era Calvin & Hobbes reference), this seems appropriate.
WonderCon 2016 Photos are Up
I spent Saturday and Sunday afternoons at WonderCon in Los Angeles, and took my usual photos of sights and cosplay. The LA convention center does feel different than Anaheim, but the con still felt like a WonderCon, not like ComiKaze or Wizard World. The size and variety of the exhibit hall, and the sheer amount of programming, went a long way. (I also went a long way…from one end to the other of the convention center. Repeatedly. Think of it as a dumbbell, with the exhibit hall on one side, and programming on the other and along the bar.)
Head over to Flickr for the full photo gallery, or check out my write-up at K² Ramblings!
Merry Christmas…
Flash Season One Gag Reel has uploaded the gag reel from The Flash‘s Season One Blu-Ray. The reel’s not quite eight and a half minutes long, and contains the expected bloopers and silly moments from filming and behind the scenes (all profanity is bleeped out). Check it out!
The Season One DVD and Blu-Ray will be available for sale on September 22nd, at which point you can own this for yourself.