Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading

Flash (and other speedster) linkblogging…

Speed Reading

Weekend linkblogging.

Flashy links, as usual:

Be sure to check Fastest Fan Alive and The Rogues Kick Ass for more Flash art & collectibles.

Other comics links.

Speed Reading

Linkblogging for the weekend.

First, the Flashy links

Next up: Flashpoint.

And finally, general comics stuff.

Speed Reading

As usual, the Flashy links first:

More comics stuff.

Speed Reading

I spent the weekend moving to a new city, so posting’s a bit light. Here’s the round-up of last week’s linkblogging.

First, the Flashy links:

And the rest.

Speed Reading

Some linkblogging for the weekend:

Flashy links:

  • Know Your Flashes – Evil Inc. by Brad Guigar – A Daily Webcomic
  • The Fastest Forum Alive – new Flash discussion board launched this week.
  • Ask…The Rogues! at iFanboy
  • Reverse Flash by Joel Gomez at FFA
  • That F’ing Monkey looks back at the Filmation Flash cartoons rom the 1960s and The Chemo-Creature. (I reviewed the DVD set a while back.)
  • Flash fans who like Wally West may (or may not) appreciate the snarky commentary of @BitterWallyWest on twitter. Flash fans who don’t like Wally West…probably won’t.
  • The Rogues Kick Ass has been posting a series of covers from Brazillian reprint Flash comics from the Silver Age. Some of them featured all-new covers, while others redrew the American covers.

Flashpoint and other comics:

C2E2. Not much Flash or Flashpoint news out of C2E2. DC was being very cagey about both. That said, we now know that Hunter Zolomon is in Flashpoint, and while DC would rather tweak Wally West’s fans than answer any questions about him, we do know that he gets chased by someone with a white lantern ring in a tie-in.