Category Archives: Timely

Digital discount on 38 issues of New 52 Flash Comics

DC Universe Sale at ComiXology

As part of their big post-Convergence relaunch, DC is offering a massive digital sale this month. The first wave, from today through June 8, features issues #1-38 of the New 52 Flash series at 99 cents each. Upcoming weeks are listed at DC’s blog

This includes almost all of the New 52 Flash series: The entire Manapul/Buccellato run, plus the first year of the Venditti/Jensen/Booth/Rapmund run, with a few exceptions: The September one-shots (#0, Villains Month, Futures End) and Annuals aren’t included, but you can still get them at their normal price.

Flash Season Finale Promo

It all happens next week: the season finale of The Flash. Here’s the thirty-second trailer for next week’s episode, titled “Fast Enough”, and naturally there are major spoilers within.

Pretty intense! You can definitely see traces of a particular story from the comics. Are you looking forward to the finale?

“Rogue Air” Promo

Here’s the thirty-second trailer for next week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Rogue Air”. As you may expect, the promo’s quite spoilery. It’ll be the second-last episode of the season, so I imagine a lot will be happening.

And just for fun, here’s a poor-quality copy of the Canadian (CTV) promo. It’s fairly different. CTV trailers are always available on their site, but apparently people outside Canada can’t view them. has a deleted scene from this week’s episode, which finally answers the question of how the prisoners are fed on the Pipeline.

“The Trap” Promo Trailer

Here’s the thirty-second teaser for next week’s episode of The Flash, titled “The Trap”. As expected, it’s quite spoilery (and you might want to watch this week’s episode first). has some official stills from upcoming episode “Grodd Lives”. Strangely, there’s no Grodd in them. That episode will air on May 5th.

I’m definitely looking forward to next week’s episode, which looks pretty intense. How about you guys?

Digital Discount: Trial of the Flash in Convergence Sale

wpid-flash-340-trial-begins.jpgQuick note: ComiXology is running a Convergence Week 3 sale featuring DC comics from the 1980s. If you scroll way down to the end, you’ll find The Flash #340-350, featuring the famous (or is it infamous) “Trial of the Flash” story that wrapped up the pre-Crisis series starring Barry Allen.

After releasing two issues a week for several months, DC hasn’t added any new Flash issues to their digital backlist since the big Flash 500 sale in March. Maybe we’ll see more after Convergence?