Tag Archives: Cons

10th Year of Long Beach Comic Con! (2018)

Back in 2009, I attended the first-ever Long Beach Comic-Con, an event that filled the void left when Wizard World cancelled WWLA at the last minute. I had a good time, and it had a lot of support from the industry, but I wondered how long it would last.

Ten years on, LBCC is still going strong! It’s small compared to WonderCon or SDCC, but it continues to be much more focused on comics and art than most “comic cons.” Artists’ Alley is still the central focus of the main floor, with an outer edge made up of small press, comics and collectibles dealers, a wrestling ring, fan groups, Space Expo, and celebrity signing areas.

You can read my full write-up at K2R or go straight to the photo gallery on Flickr!

Flash Photography: WonderCon 2017 Cosplay Roundup

I spent this past weekend at WonderCon in Anaheim for what turned out to be a fun family trip. We explored a lot, my son played old-school video games (trouncing me at Street Fighter with his advanced button-mashing technique) and alternately borrowed the camera and photobombed my pictures, my wife cosplayed as Kara Danvers and Whitney Frost, and we all had a good time.

There was no Flash panel this year, but there were Flash fans everywhere. I didn’t actually see anyone dressed as the Flash all day Friday…until I walked outside at the end of the day, and ran into three in rapid succession. Over the next two days, I saw people dressed as Barry, Wally, Jay and Jesse…comic, TV and movie costumes…Reverse-Flash…the DC Bombshells Flash…and a bunch of original variations.

These are only the ones I got on camera! On top of more Flash variants, I spotted a Gorilla Grodd and a movie-style Captain Boomerang. No other Rogues that I can recall, though. For more, non-Flashy stuff, check out my complete photo gallery at Flickr and my writeup at K-Squared Ramblings.

Fun fact: Reverse-Flash is looking over at my 6YO, who’s in the process of running into the frame.

Jay Garrick Flash Cosplay DC Bombshells Flash Flash: Jay Garrick Bombshells Flash Sequinned Heroines The Flash Cosplay Movie-Style Flash and Aquawoman Cosplay Movie-Style Flash Cosplay

» Full photo gallery at Flickr.
» Full writeup at K-Squared Ramblings.

Flashiness of LA Comic Con 2016

I missed the Flash TV cast panel at this weekend’s Los Angeles Comic Con (formerly Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo) due to a combination of LA traffic, road closures, full parking lots, and a ridiculously long line. I picked up my badge at 1:45pm. You can read the whole saga at KĀ²Ramblings, or head over to my photo gallery on Flickr.

Judging by Instagram there were plenty of Flash-themed cosplayers, but I only spotted a few, and only caught two on camera. Wally West as the TV Flashpoint Flash…

Killer Frost and Whitney Frost  Cosplay at LA Comic Con 2016 Wally West TV Flash Cosplay at LA Comic Con 2016

…and how often do you see Killer Frost and Whitney Frost (from Agent Carter) together?

Zooming through Long Beach Comic Con (2016)

lbcc-outsideI only made it to one afternoon at Long Beach Comic Con this year, so my experience was really rushed. Even so, I managed to attend a panel on the Lawyers of Hell’s Kitchen, caught up (briefly) with several artists and writers, picked up some toys for the kid and checked out a ton of artwork. This is the con’s eighth year, and they’ve moved to a bigger section of the convention center. That involved moving the entrance to the other side, which had a bigger impact on the feel of the show than you might expect.

zoomNo Flash news, unfortunately. There was a DC panel the previous day, but not the day I was there. And while I did meet Brett Booth (he had set up next to Norm Rapmund’s regular table in Artist’s Alley), I had to cut the visit short in order to make it to the one panel I mentioned. He was telling a story about having to redo covers and redesign characters at the last minute during the Rebirth launch.

There was some impressive cosplay, including this Zoom. I’ve seen photos on Instagram, but his costume is even more impressive in person. (Staying in character, he leaned toward me after the photo, pointing an intimidating finger at my Flash T-shirt, and growled menacingly.)

Photo gallery at Flickr and full writeup at K-Squared Ramblings.

WonderCon 2016 Photos are Up

I spent Saturday and Sunday afternoons at WonderCon in Los Angeles, and took my usual photos of sights and cosplay. The LA convention center does feel different than Anaheim, but the con still felt like a WonderCon, not like ComiKaze or Wizard World. The size and variety of the exhibit hall, and the sheer amount of programming, went a long way. (I also went a long way…from one end to the other of the convention center. Repeatedly. Think of it as a dumbbell, with the exhibit hall on one side, and programming on the other and along the bar.)

Head over to Flickr for the full photo gallery, or check out my write-up at KĀ² Ramblings!

WonderCon 2016 Collage

Running Through Long Beach Comic Con 2015

Running with the Flashes

I ran out to Long Beach Comic Con over the weekend. It’s really grown. The floor was twice as big as last year, I could swear they doubled the tracks of programming, and there was a great crowd even on Sunday. It’s a great con for comics and art especially — this is the one I’ve mentioned where Artist’s Alley isn’t just off in a corner somewhere, it’s the centerpiece of the main floor.

Norm Rapmund was there, selling a new print from the current Flash art team featuring all the New 52 Flashes, including one I don’t think we’ve seen yet. I don’t know where I’m going to put it, but I couldn’t pass it up. (Though I did pass up the metallic edition. It was very shiny, both literally and in the Firefly sense, but it was also 3x the price.)

Update: It turns out the day I didn’t go, there was a Rogues cosplay meetup!

Full photo album on Flickr, featuring meteorites, Deadpool doing some light reading, Spider-Everyone, a tricked-out Star Wars car, Harley in Wonderland, and some Pizzazz. Update: Full write-up over at K2R.

Norm Rapmund