Tag Archives: Contest

Top 4 Favorite Flash Memories – Contest Results!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Favorite Flash Memory contest celebrating four years of Speed Force! 45 of you shared your stories of the Flash and Flash fandom, and 142 of you voted for the top four.

And now, the results are in!*

#1 with 36 votes: Wally East

My favorite memory of The Flash is him helping me through the end of a particularly bad training run. The run was just one of those sucky runs happens now and then. Toward the end, I started remembering how in a story I had just read (I can’t remember what story at the moment) had pushed harder and harder even though he wanted to stop. He didn’t let the pain stop him. He hit the wall and kept running hard. I thought about how Wally is just a regular guy with superspeed. If he could hang in, so could I since I’m a regular guy, too, just with regular-guy speed 🙂

Wally East wins our grand prize: a 1st Appearance Jay Garrick action figure, a Flash: Rebirth #4 variant cover signed by Geoff Johns, and a Flash: Rebirth poster! Congratulations, Wally!

Jay Garrick 1st Appearance action figure, Flash Rebirth #4 variant signed by Geoff Johns, Flash: Rebirth poster

Read on for the rest of the winners! Continue reading

Contest entries closed

Hope you got in your entry, because the time for submitting them is done. Kelson will set up a poll for everyone to vote on sometime tonight or tomorrow. Voting will last 48 hours, and remember, there’ll be four winners.

But hey, if you didn’t get a chance to submit something for the contest, we’d still love to hear about your favourite Flash-related memory anyway! That’s what fandom’s all about!

Update: Vote for the top 4 here!

Update 2: The results are in!

Contest: Your favorite Flash memory!

Hey there, Flash fans, and welcome to Speed Force’s fourth anniversary celebration! We four regular contributors will be writing about some of our favorite Flash memories, and thought it might be nice to get you folks involved as well. What better way to do that than with a contest?

Here’s how it’ll go: simply share your favorite Flash-related memory, or an early memory that you think is pretty special (for whatever reason — it could be entirely personal) in the comments section of this post. We’ll collect the stories and set them up as a poll to be voted on by readers, and the top-rated four will win!

There will be four winners, and the contest will run until 9 pm ET on Tuesday, June 19. Prizes will include Flash variant issues. There aren’t any rules or restrictions, although please share just one story to make things fair for everyone. So dig deep into your memories, and have fun!

Update: The results are in!

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Eight!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!  Wally finally showed up last week, and we still had a good time..

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:

This week was a tough one, but a we received a few correct answers as always from savvy Flash fans.  This week’s winner is Eric L.!


Congrats to Eric!  This week’s subject was Flash Annual #4, an Armageddon  2001 tie in by Mark Waid and Craig Brashfield.  In a vision of a possible future, Wally West is forced out of retirement to battle a demon from his past, with his son’s life on the line.

See you next time!


Contest: “Where Was Wally West?” Week Eight!

With Flashpoint upon us, and major changes for DC Comics heroes on the horizon, Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, we present the latest installment in our ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!

Just send your responses to this email address (whereswally at speedforce dot org), and we’ll announce the winner on Monday!

So check out the image below and ask yourself, “WWWW?”.

This week’s prize is a Barry Allen poster by Alex Ross! Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.