Tag Archives: Flash

“The Greatest Trick of All” Finale – Review of THE FLASH #69

Writer Joshua Williamson has found the secret to wrapping up an arc…don’t try to wrap up everything in a nice, neat little bow. There are consequences…and some BIG changes in the Flash’s world by the time this issue is done. The Trickster has upped his game and may have become the Scarlet Speedster’s greatest nemesis…at least until Zolomon returns. Just how does “The Greatest Trick of All” play out? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Part 3 – Review of BATMAN #65

The epic team-up (or tear-apart) continues as Batman and the Flash fight off a horde of Gotham and Gotham Girl clones. Can they defeat them in time to save Central City from the real Gotham Girl’s next attack? And, will this crisis bring Bruce and Barry back together…or split them apart for good? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Part One – Review of BATMAN #64

Batman and the Flash share a great sense of loss…and guilt. Batman was one of the architects of Sanctuary, the healing place for heroes where Wally and so many others died in HEROES IN CRISIS. Barry Allen carries guilt for sending Wally there. Now, can they work together…or will they tear themselves apart for good? We begin with “The Price of Justice”, the first of four crossover issues with Batman and The Flash. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Memorabilia” Review of S5 E12 of THE FLASH

What if you could go back into your memories and live them again? What if, instead, you could go into someone else’s memories? And, how dangerous could that be for them…and you? That’s what we find out in this episode of THE FLASH! As a bonus, we learn a lot more about Grace, the young girl that Cicada is trying to avenge. And, what about that metahuman cure? Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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Force Quest Part Five – Review of THE FLASH #62

We’ve met the new avatar of the Sage Force, known as Psych…but is he someone Barry and Iris can trust? And, what ever happened to Gemini after they went in a different direction during the Flash’s last leg of the Force Quest? Don’t worry, you’ll find those answers and more in this issue of THE FLASH! And, you will still get to see a whole lot of classic characters as well! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The first two installments of ELSEWORLDS have been absolutely stellar! We’ve seen reality twisted with Barry and Oliver switching heroic roles. We’ve seen the 1990’s Flash in full costume. We’ve been to Smallville, with even the Kent Farm from that series. And, we’ve met Batwoman and learned whether Bruce Wayne exists in the Arroverse! Believe it or not, that doesn’t give half the things we’ve seen and learned in this crossover. It’s almost a shame to end it tonight…but will ELSEWORLDS go out with a bang or whimper? What major developments will we find that could impact FLASH, SUPERGIRL and ARROW for years to come? Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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