Tag Archives: Francis Manapul

Bombshell Flash & Francis Manapul-Inspired Statues from DC Collectibles at SDCC

Flash Bombshells Statue

The DC Collectibles panel at Comic-Con International unveiled some new Flash statues coming up, including a new wave of DC Bombshells statues and a statue inspired by Francis Manapul’s artwork as part of the DC Designers series. The Bombshell Flash statue is based on the Flash #32 variant cover by Ant Lucia.

DC Designers Flash by Francis Manapul

DC posted photos of a number of their statues on Twitter: Continue reading

Flash Becomes Death in Darkseid War

Justice League Darkseid War The Flash (Francis Manapul)

CBR has unveiled Francis Manapul’s covers for Justice League: Darkseid War — a set of one-shots coming out over the next month focusing on how each character has been changed by the death of Darkseid. Shazam is now channelling the powers of the New Gods, Batman has Metron’s Mobius Chair…and the Flash has become the Black Racer, personification of Death. (Not to be confused with the Black Flash, personification of Death.)

Justice League: Darkseid War: The Flash is out next week.

Flash Races the Roadrunner and Speedy Gonzales on this Looney Tunes Variant Cover

Flash #46 Looney Tunes Variant Cover

Francis Manapul returns to do a variant cover for The Flash #46 (along with Warner Bros. Animation) as part of DC’s Looney Tunes variant covers for November.

When I saw that DC was doing these, my first thought was: Roadrunner or Speedy Gonzales? Well, why choose?

Check out the full gallery for Duck Tracy in Detective Comics, Wonder Woman in What’s Opera Doc?, and a lot more!

Flash Becomes Death in Justice League: Gods & Men (SDCC 2015)

Justice League Gods and Men

Announced at SDCC on Friday: Geoff Johns is writing a set of one-shots tying into Darkseid War, “Justice League: Gods and Men” with a cover or promo image by past Flash writer/artist Francis Manapul. In Justice League: Gods and Men: The Flash, “The Flash takes on the role of death’s harbinger, the Black Racer. And the beneficiary of his first visit is Aquaman!” Update: It turns out Geoff Johns isn’t actually writing these after all. Update: The series is now called Justice League: Darkseid War, and the issue will be out November 5.

Wait…Geoff Johns is turning Barry Allen into the super-speed avatar of death for an issue of a special series? Didn’t I read this a few years back? Continue reading

Deluxe Manapul/Buccellato Flash Hardcover Coming in 2016

Flash vol.4 #1 - Francis Manpul and Brian BuccellatoAmazon has a listing for The Flash By Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato Deluxe Edition, a hardcover collection coming out in March 2016.

No word yet on a cover or exact contents, but the Flash cover at left is a likely choice. If it’s a single volume, it’s pretty much guaranteed to include the New 52 Flash -25, the first annual, plus the Zero and Reverse Flash issues that fit into their ongoing story. That would include “Move Forward,” “Rogues Revolution,” “Gorilla Warfare” and “Reverse.”

I’d like to think they’ll also include the main story from the second annual, the other two Villain’s Month one-shots (Grodd and Rogues) and the three-part “History Lessons” from Flash #27-29, which Buccellato wrote solo with other artists.

Manapul and Buccellato had the unenviable task of following superstar Geoff Johns and establishing the New 52 version of the Flash, and they succeeded in not only making the book their own, but becoming one of the stand-out creative teams of the relaunch.

(Thanks to @LeeHiley for the tip!)

Interview with Francis Manapul at HeroesCon 2015!

We caught up with Francis Manapul at HeroesCon 2015 for an interview on behalf of both TMStash and Speedforce.org. Manapul gave us the story behind the “5 O’Clock Shadow” look of Batman, the rise of Harvey Bullock as an A-List character in Detective, his favorite moments from THE FLASH and DETECTIVE, and more! Thanks to Francis Manapul for taking time from a very busy HeroesCon schedule to speak with us!

CLICK HERE for the audio of that interview