Tag Archives: Rogues

A Very Cold Day, Indeed – Review of THE FLASH #37

Now we know who is really in charge of the underworld in Central City…and where they are hiding out. More than that, there is someone who knows all of Barry’s secrets and is willing to sell him out. What we don’t know is how…and what else may be hiding within the walls of the supposedly impenetrable walls of Iron Heights. This issue we start to see all of the plans coming together, and it is really bad news for the Scarlet Speedster. Want to know more? Follow us after the break!


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Catching up on the Murder in Iron Heights – Review of THE FLASH #36

Not to be too punny, but I’m running behind on this review…and I’ll explain later in this post.  But, I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to say a few words about this issue. It gives us an RIP on an interesting character, and sets up a new status quo for the Rogues. Just who died, and what do I mean about the Rogues? Follow us after the jump to learn more!


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“Rogues Reloaded” Review of THE FLASH #16

The Flash has faced his Rogues Gallery countless times over the years, since the early Silver Age to today, and there have always been two things you could count on. First, the Rogues have a code…and second, the Flash always wins even if they team up against him. It’s always worked…for the Flash. But, now the Rogues appear to have wised up, and this group of blue-collar bad guys may finally have the upper hand. Last issue, the Flash was tricked into going miles away while the Rogues struck in Central City. Now, what can our Scarlet Speedster do in the aftermath? That’s where we pick up with issue of THE FLASH! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The Rogues are BACK! Review of THE FLASH #14

The Flash’s Rogues have always been my favorite group of bad guys in comics. Not Batman’s, not Superman’s, and certainly none from that “House of Ideas” publisher across town. There was always something special about this group of blue collar crooks. But, different storylines over the years (particularly the New 52) made significant changes to how these villains have been portrayed.  Now, writer Joshua Williamson gets his chance to take on the best bad guys in comics…and how does he deal with all of this history? He embraces it all…pretty much beginning to end, and makes it work in a very solid issue of THE FLASH! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Date Night” – Review of THE FLASH #13

You asked for it, you got it – a young Wally West feature story! Wally is on patrol, keeping Central City safe so…Iris can have a date night with Barry! All this and Tar Pit too! And…this story starts a new arc called “Rogues Reloaded” so you know big things are coming up soon. It’s an (almost) perfect issue for young Wally fans and more. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Under the Gun” – Review of THE FLASH #51

Flash #51A quick word…apologies for the late review. Now, let’s get to what you REALLY want to know…

The Riddler has played what we thought was his trump card…but is that he has up his sleeve? Things are looking bad for The Flash, as Riddler has gotten just enough trust from the gullible officials of Central City that he has been able to place the entire town in a chokehold.  Now, with the help of the Rogues (well, mainly Trickster with some help from Riddler), Barry has been cornered. What happens next? Follow us after the jump for more!


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