Tag Archives: Tweets

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-07-19

  • Crazy: even though I’m disappointed w/ Flash:Rebirth at this point, I’m tempted to preorder the hardcover if $13.59 holds.
  • Last issue of Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds is on Diamond’s schedule for next week.
  • So very true: XKCD: Tab Explosion
  • Geocities users: check out OTW’s Geocities Rescue Project.
  • No escape. Latest alumni newsletter features “A Brief History of the Bowtie
  • Help John Ostrander keep his eyesight: comix4sight.com
  • RT @karlkerschl: Drawing more gorillas! I will miss all of these gorillas when Wednesday Comics is finished.
  • *sigh* DC has pushed Flash: Rebirth #4 back another week to August 12.
  • Not going to a midnight showing of Harry Potter. Not even opening night. I’ll probably catch it this weekend, though.
  • Believe it or not, Fallen Angel: Reborn is the book I’m most looking forward to getting today.
  • Bought this week: Wednesday Comics, Fallen Angel: Reborn, Farscape: D’argo’s Lament, The Unknown. Sorry, sitting #BlackestNight out for now.
  • Didn’t pick up #BlackestNight , but did accept the freebie Black Lantern ring. Figure I’ll come up with something to do with it.
  • Pearls B4 Swine author: digital vs print comics “an artificial distinction.” Only 2 kinds of strips: funny & not-funny.
  • Fantastic photos of lightning striking water (via @BadAstronomer)
  • Saw headline: “They killed Hawkman!” First thought was in Rocket J. Squirrel voice: “Again?”

Comic-Con International Build-Up

Be sure to also check out a month’s worth of Comic-Con Tips, which I’ve been posting daily on Twitter.

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Quick Thoughts: Wednesday Comics #2

6:18:35 PM: Batman’s story is getting more intriguing

6:19:21 PM: Kamandi makes me want to re-read Tellos.

6:20:35 PM: I love the giant splash page on Metamorpho! (And the joke about a subscription to Element Dog!)

6:23:15 PM: That’s an awful lot of typos in Teen Titans for a one page story.

6:25:43 PM: It must suck to have only one soldier to defend your capital city.

6:29:04 PM: When I think “Wonder Woman,” I always think of a talking, glowing fish for a sidekick. (Okay, maybe not.)

6:33:27 PM: Whoa, awkward moment for Barry, Iris and Barry!

6:34:26 PM: The different coloring techniques stand out more this week, too.

6:35:49 PM: I can see a paradox brewin’, though.

6:36:57 PM: Hah! “Stately Blood Manor.”

6:41:47 PM: The Demon and the Cat. Yes, Demon and the Cat. One is a burglar, the other’s a prat.

6:45:55 PM: Hey, kids! Learn Hawkman’s secret sign language! You too can join the Junior JSA!

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-06-21

Following Wizard World Philly and HeroesCon

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See also the first few Comic-Con Tips, which I’ve been posting daily on Twitter starting this Friday.

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-06-15

  • Barry Allen and the Black Flash – an old post is getting some new attention
  • *sigh* hit 2 stores before noon, no luck on the Flash:Rebirth variant. And this was the first one I actually wanted
  • Flash: Rebirth 3 is proving a lot harder to review. With 1&2 I just started writing and looked up 2 hours later. This is like pulling teeth.
  • This review at Collected Editions reminds me I’ve been meaning to read Supermarket
  • Flash Forward (no relation) will have a panel at SDCC. Here’s hoping it’s not opposite Geoff Johns like last year’s Robert J Sawyer panel.
  • Webring (remember them?) is branching into free webhosting, hoping to replace GeoCities as it closes.
  • OK, think I’ve figured the quirks of the liveblogging tool. Disable cache, start early, figure updates might take 10-15min to catch up
  • How did Mark Chiarello come up with the idea for Wednesday Comics? “I stole it from the 1930s.” (via @Robot6)

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-06-07

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