Tag Archives: Tweets

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-06-15

  • Barry Allen and the Black Flash – an old post is getting some new attention
  • *sigh* hit 2 stores before noon, no luck on the Flash:Rebirth variant. And this was the first one I actually wanted
  • Flash: Rebirth 3 is proving a lot harder to review. With 1&2 I just started writing and looked up 2 hours later. This is like pulling teeth.
  • This review at Collected Editions reminds me I’ve been meaning to read Supermarket
  • Flash Forward (no relation) will have a panel at SDCC. Here’s hoping it’s not opposite Geoff Johns like last year’s Robert J Sawyer panel.
  • Webring (remember them?) is branching into free webhosting, hoping to replace GeoCities as it closes.
  • OK, think I’ve figured the quirks of the liveblogging tool. Disable cache, start early, figure updates might take 10-15min to catch up
  • How did Mark Chiarello come up with the idea for Wednesday Comics? “I stole it from the 1930s.” (via @Robot6)

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-05-10

  • Interesting: next week’s comics include 1st issues of Unwritten, Unknown, and Unthinkable.
  • Grumpy Old Fan of @robot6 wonders: was it really necessary to kill Bart Allen and X just to bring them back in LO3W?
  • Utter horror: just realized I actually remember bits of the Star Wars: Droids cartoon theme song from the 1980s.
  • Amazon’s new Kindle DX: at 9.7″ it could handle B&W comics just fine (but the $490 price is a bit steep)
  • This week’s haul: Flash:Rebirth, Buffy, Astro City & 2 Farscape issues
  • Yeah, the Secret Origin of Barry Allen’s Bow Tie was unnecessary.
  • Major speedster color schemes: Red&Gold (Flash, Kid Flash, Johnny Quick) or Blue&White (Quicksilver, XS, Max Mercury, Savitar).
  • WTF? They’re remaking Clash of the Titans?
  • *sigh* why do new comics have to come out the same day as LOST?
  • RT @weeklycrisis: Discussing Grant Morrison’s Multiversity with new details from yesterday’s @CBR interview
  • Funny RT @jordachewee: Will Jay Garrick, Wally West or Barry Allen be able to help me with Adobe Flash?
  • Impulse/Bart Allen returns to Smallville for next week’s season finale. Photo w/ Black Canary
  • Some #comics blogger types for #followfriday – @weeklycrisis, @collectededitions, @comicbooklegacy, @johannadc, @comixace
  • Linda Park-West is #8 on Newsarama’s Top 10 Best Moms in Comics for #MothersDay (they have a Top 10 Worst Moms too)
  • Saw Wolverine. Was OK. Felt more like an episode of Heroes than any of the X-Men movies.
  • Every time I hear an ad for “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” It sounds like “Keeping Up With the Cardassians” #startrek
  • Comic fan dislikes movies b/c art created mainly for money is corrupt. What do they think motivated comics to start with?
  • Things to consider when running a “save our show” campaign & what NOT to do: (via @johannadc and @mikesterling)

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-04-19

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-04-05 (Flash: Rebirth Week)

  • Why Las Vegas is a BAD idea for Comic-Con
  • One thing’s for sure: there’s a ton of online buzz over Flash: Rebirth.
  • Odd: Saturday WonderCon report has more views than Friday even though Friday’s been up longer.
  • Please let this not be an early April Fool’s joke: RT @warrenellis: Just heard from DC that John Cassaday has finished PLANETARY #27.
  • Just one day more to Flash: Rebirth!
  • Barry Allen is back…and it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to him!
  • Anyone know what timezone gets its comics first? Does Europe get its American comics on Wednesdays?
  • When does my LCS open? How early can I justify taking lunch? Didn’t think I’d be this excited about Flash: Rebirth.
  • This week’s comics: Flash: Rebirth, Noble Causes, Buffy and Farscape
  • Flash: Rebirth #1 = 90% excellent, 5% metacommentary, 5% WTF-worthy annoying retcon.
  • Crazy idea: What if Blackest Night and Flash: Rebirth are linked, and there’s a Blackest Night: Flash special coming up?
  • And apparently Geoff Johns never read Mark Waid’s The Life Story of the Flash. We’ve never seen Barry’s life before he was Flash? *headdesk*
  • Noble Causes #40: bittersweet but fitting end to series. At least Dynamo 5 is still going.
  • The more I think about Flash: Rebirth #1, the more certain elements just bug the heck out of me.
  • I don’t want Flash to be grim and gritty. The Rogues, yes, but the Flash should be bright and heroic.
  • Flash SEO: Always remembering to write “Barry Allen” and “Wally West” instead of just “Barry” and “Wally.”
  • Funny. Retweeting @fullofwhoa: Barry Allen’s most exciting adventure to date.
  • Weekend goal: catch up on comics that I’m 4+ months behind on and decide whether I should keep buying them.
  • Finally pre-ordered Girl Genius vol.8! Plug: www.girlgeniusonline.com

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Cleaned up a bit to remove linkposts that duplicate posts on the blog itself, plus formatting.

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-03-22 (including Hotel Madness)

  • Saw Watchmen. Better than expected. Spectacular, detailed, but unsubtle and gored-up. Best music cue: “Everybody Wants To Rule the World”
  • OK, I am officially sick of the phrase, “What recession?”
  • Read Mysterius the Unfathomable #1-2. Annoyed at first that the only skeptic is portrayed as a total a-hole. OTOH, so is everyone else.
  • San Diego Comic-Con hotel list and prices are up. Rooms go on sale Thursday morning.
  • 24 hours to go until SDCC hotel madness…after which I probably WILL want to be sedated.
  • Retweeting @SpeedsterSite: iFanboy names Wally as one of the most underused characters in the DCU.
  • Countdown: 14 days to Flash: Rebirth
  • Pics of Flash Jay Garrick on Friday’s Batman: Brave and the Bold

Special Report: Comic-Con International Hotel Day

  • ComicCon hotel prep: Firefox+Win for compatibility, desktop in case wifi goes out, other sites up in Chrome so crash won’t take out Fx.
  • ComicCon Hotel Rush: filled with antici…
  • …pation.
  • ComicCon: In the Waiting Room!
  • “We’re sorry. All circuits are busy now.” Over and over and over and over.
  • Why the hell am I live-tweeting Comic-Con Hotel Reservations?
  • OK, now I know that it takes 20 minutes for me to start getting annoyed with the #comiccon reservation line.
  • Every once in a while I get a 2nd or even 3rd ring before comiccon hotel line goes to “all circuits are busy now” msg. false hope…
  • I hope the “waiting room” page for comiccon hotels is actually doing something and not just sitting there.
  • OK, the comiccon hotel waiting room page DOES hit the network every once in a while. It must be doing SOMETHING.
  • Last two years I got through the ComicCon hotel reservations by 10:04. It’s 10:05 and I’m still in the “waiting room.”
  • On the plus side I’m starting to see “success!” posts from other people on Twitter.
  • Swivel chair picked this time to fall apart. Reassembled. Still waiting in comiccon hotel queue.
  • Phone connected!
  • Got through comiccon hotel process on phone. Left top 5 choices, name addr & phone # and they’ll call back for credit card info. *whew!*
  • *sigh* ComicCon hotel reservation has my name & addr wrong. Can’t fix online b/c they don’t have the CC yet, call center closed for the day

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