Poll Result: Convention Distance

I was hoping to get more responses to this one, but only 25 people responded — of whom 9 had never been to a con.

Q: What’s the farthest you’ve traveled for a fan or comic convention?

Convention travel poll results

Of those who had, the largest number by far had traveled between 10 and 100 miles to attend a con (8 of 17, or 47% of congoers). For comparison, that’s about the distance from New York to Philadelphia, Chicago to Milwaukee, or Anaheim to San Diego. (Los Angeles to San Diego is a little farther, about 120 miles from downtown to downtown).

Others had traveled only short distances, a few had traveled longer, and only one had crossed a continent. East coast to San Diego, maybe?

Speaking of San Diego, Comic-Con International has finally posted a progress gauge on their website showing ticket availability. 4-day passes without preview night are already 70% sold…and it’s only November!

And me? The farthest I’ve traveled for a convention is about 400 miles: from southern California to San Francisco for one WorldCon and two WonderCons. Otherwise, my con visits have stayed within that popular 100-mile radius, northwest as far as Los Angeles and southeast as far as San Diego.

Next Poll: When do you think Flash: Rebirth will finish?


7 thoughts on “Poll Result: Convention Distance

  1. mattchee

    I must have missed the poll…

    I mostly do cons in the SF Bay Area which, coming from my spot on the Central Coast is a good 200-250 miles, depending. WonderCon, APE, SuperCon.

    Although, I grew up in the bay, so these things were well within that popular 10-100 mi at the time, though now I do travel (although, extra points, I think, for going to WonderCon when it was in OAKLAND).

    I’m thinking about hitting a couple Socal cons in 2010, since I’m about just as far (or maybe closer). Have you gone either to that new LB con or Aneheim? Worth it? I’ve been eyeballing Aneheim (no idea how to spell it), but its really soon after WonderCon– so… might be hard (talking my wife into it).

    And why there are no good sized cons between the Bay Area and LA area is beyond me… on the coast that is (I think theres one in Bakersfield, but that’s just as far as BA or LA for me, and, well… Bakersfield). Santa Barbara County? Ventura County? Anyone?!?!?

    1. Kelson Post author

      Sorry, I didn’t publicize this poll as well as I did the previous one.

      Long Beach was pretty good, especially considering this was its first year. Check out my writeup of the con if you’re interested.

      2010 will be the first year for Anaheim, although it’s probably going to just be Wizard World Los Angeles moved to a new city and renamed. On the other hand, a lot of the people who used to run WWLA got involved in putting together Long Beach, so it might not track that closely.

      I can’t think of any cons between LA and San Jose, but you might check the directory at Convention Scene and see what they list.

    2. Kelson Post author

      I should add, regarding Anaheim and WonderCon: I live about 15 minutes from the Anaheim Convention Center, but if I only go to one of them next year, it’s going to be WonderCon. It’s a proven show, it’s a good excuse to visit friends and relatives in the Bay area, and Wizard keeps doing things that annoy me. (Mostly acting like they own the convention circuit.)

  2. Lia

    I’ve gone partway across the continent for BotCon. Surely I get points for crossing the border for a few cons, though! 😉

    1. Kelson Post author

      I actually considered including an option for having traveled to another country, but I figured I’d stick with something a little more consistent in size.


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