Tag Archives: Jay Garrick

“A Flash of the Lightning” Review of THE FLASH S6 E2

After a fantastic premiere to the season, what can THE FLASH throw at us in Episode 2? We are already seeing the early signs of the upcoming CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS. And, we just saw the origin story of the Big Bad of Season 6. What’s next? If you want to know more, follow us after the jump!

SPOILERS AHEAD! You have been warned!

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Mini Gallery: Flash Cosplay at WonderCon 2019

Just a few Flashes (and a Rainbow Raider) who I saw at WonderCon this year. There were a bunch more, including a TV Barry/Iris couple, a Jedi Flash, and more. These are just the ones who slowed down long enough for me to take a photo! 🙂 Check out my full cosplay gallery on Flickr.

Mini-Gallery: Flash Cosplay at WonderCon 2018

I didn’t catch nearly as many Flash-themed cosplayers at this year’s WonderCon as I did at last year’s, but I get the impression from looking online that there were a lot more, and I just missed them! Here are the people I did find wearing Flash and related costumes. I actually saw at least three Killer Frosts, though I only caught two on camera. You can see my full WonderCon gallery on Flickr.

Golden Age Flash (Jay Garrick) Kara Danvers and the Flash (Barry Allen) Killer Frost Killer Frost and Vibe

“Enter Flashtime” – Review of S4 Ep15 of THE FLASH

In this episode, we start with Barry literally sweating out his most difficult situation…telling Iris “I can’t save us this time.” What’s happening here, and why? And, how does Flashtime fit into all of this? It’s a most unusual episode of THE FLASH, one that takes some interesting artistic choices while featuring not one, but THREE great speedsters (at least…).  Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Paradox” – Review of THE FLASH S3.2

As good as the season opener was last week, THIS episode was actually better! The real Team Flash (the ones who make the show) keep finding ways to keep this show fresh, and after Episode 2 I am all in on Season 3. Buckle up, speedster fans, and let’s talk about this episode right after the jump!

NOTE: This review is being posted prior to THE FLASH airing on the West Coast USA. If you haven’t seen the show yet, please watch it first and then come back…


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