Flash: Rebirth #6 Moved UP to Feb 24

Flash: Rebirth #6 (thumb)In mid-December, DC rescheduled Flash: Rebirth from January 27 to March 24. Artist Ethan Van Sciver thought this was strange, as he was nearly finished drawing the book. At the end of the month, Diamond listed February 24 on their shipping updates page, but DC left their website at March 24. That left readers with this question:

Which date was correct? DC’s or Diamond’s?

In the past I would have relied confidently on Diamond’s date, since DC’s website was notorious for outdated or otherwise wrong shipping dates, but in the last few years it’s generally been accurate.

Well, today DC updated their website, and their listing for Flash: Rebirth #6 now shows a February 24, 2010 release date!

I believe this is the first time an issue of Flash: Rebirth has been rescheduled for an earlier date!

It’s still after Blackest Night: The Flash wraps, but only by one week, and it should be out a month before Flash: Secret Files.


3 thoughts on “Flash: Rebirth #6 Moved UP to Feb 24

  1. Perplexio

    That’s a little more like it. The release dates on the DC website are beginning to get a bit reminiscent of the opening credits for Monty Python’s The Holy Grail.

    1. Kelson Post author

      I’ve been comparing them to the “Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The curtain will rise in X minutes” sequence in act 2 of Noises Off.

  2. Mark Engblom

    Back in the day, the irony of the Flash (as Barry Allen) always being late was amusing and endearing.

    But a chronically late Flash comic book?

    Not so much.
    .-= Mark Engblom’s latest blog post: Epilogue =-.


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