The Reverse Flash Revealed!….(Review of Flash #23)

Flash #23 (final cover)The battle with the Reverse Flash has kicked into high gear…and at least we know going into this issue that he ISN’T Dr. Elias!  But, who IS the Reverse Flash?  We will find out at the end of this issue…but that’s something I won’t spoiler here.  What I can tell you is that this is an excellent, fast-paced, action-filled issue that is a must-read for any Flash fan.  Manapul and Buccellato have crafted a truly amazing new version of the Reverse Flash, one powerful enough to easily go toe-to-toe with the Fastest Man Alive.  And, once you have THAT name you will be begging for more…


Barry is up against the Reverse Flash…but don’t think for a moment that Dr. Elias is going to idly sit by while this goes on.  After all, now he has TWO speedsters from whom he can try to grab energy!  Meanwhile, Patty leaves the police station (and Iris) in order to go to her parents’ wedding anniversary celebration, though she is in far from a celebratory mood. At this point the action kicks into hyperdrive, with another speedster joining the fray (but who?), and the identity of the Reverse Flash finally revealed!   This is leading to something truly epic…but you’ll have to pick up the issue to learn more.   We can say that there will be more about this new Reverse Flash’s origin coming up in 2 weeks in Reverse Flash #1, don’t miss it!

This is one time that the “Big Reveal” is as satisfying as the hype made it out to be.  The identify of the Reverse Flash, and the way we find out about it, works here – we get a satisfying payoff to the mystery and learn about it in a way that keeps the pace of the storyline going.  And, make no mistake – this is a very fast-paced issue with more than enough action to make any comics fan happy.  Manapul and Buccellato once again have scripted and illustrated an excellent story, combining an epic battle sequence with great storytelling.  Issue #23 is must-reading – be sure to grab this at your LCS!


5 thoughts on “The Reverse Flash Revealed!….(Review of Flash #23)

  1. I.Strange

    The identify of the Reverse Flash, and the way we find out about it, works here – we get a satisfying payoff to the mystery and learn about it in a way that keeps the pace of the storyline going.

    Respectfully disagree with everything. Basically there were two candidates for RF’s identity and one was eliminated last issue. So we knew who he was likely to be going in, yet the issue delayed the reveal until the end. And even then… I mean, there are A LOT of questions remaining as to why and how. My eyes did not pop with the “Ah ha!” of a proper mystery solution.

    Critical fan is critical. Notwithstanding, I think the story will read perfectly great when taken altogether.

  2. perplexio

    Now that the who has been revealed I still want to know the HOW… How did this Reverse Flash get his powers? So far, of the 3 Reverse Flashes I think Zolomon has had the best backstory (although Geoff Johns Eobard Thawne origin story was brilliant… I still thought Zolomon had the best motivation and backstory).

    1. Kyer

      Maybe he was sitting on the electric chair when a guard spilled his Mystery Protein Shake drink on him and….you know…presto.


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