Category Archives: Creators

NYCC 2011: Manapul and Buccellato talk Flash (via Newsarama)

The Flash creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato gave an interview at last weekend’s New York Comic Con to Newsarama, where they talked a bit about their inspirations for the arc that began with last month’s Flash #1.

Manapul notes a sci-fi tilt to the story that’s about to unfold, and mentions having incorporated aspects from old issues of DC’s Showcase, where the earliest Barry Allen stories appeared.  The two also touch on Barry Allen’s role as a man (and comic book fan) facing a brave new world, the DCU Online game, and speed tricks past and present.  Manapul also talks about a certain idea not fitting until “year two.”  Bring it on!

The first issue of Manapul and Buccellato’s new Flash showed off some gorgeous art and real promise in terms of story and characterization.  This interview reveals a little of what’s ahead, as well as some of the creators’ motivation.  Are you looking forward to the second issue?

Check out the interview over at Newsarama by clicking on the image above.

Catch the Flash & Flashpoint Teams at NYCC!

The new Flash writer/artist team, Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, are both scheduled to be at New York Comic Con this weekend. You can also catch the Flashpoint team of Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert.

In addition to signings, Johns will be on Friday’s DC All Access: Green Lantern panel, and Johns, Manapul and Buccellato will all be on DC All Access: Justice League panel on Saturday.

This is Buccellato’s only east-coast appearance on his fall signing schedule, and the only event this fall where you can meet both halves of the current Flash creative team.

Update: Brian Buccellato has posted his schedule for the convention, including three signings:

FRIDAY October 14th
4-5 PM @ THE DC BOOTH (with Francis Manapul)

SATURDAY October 15th

SUNDAY October 16th
3-4 PM @ THE DC BOOTH (with Francis Manapul)

Brian Buccellato Talks Mob Rule at CBR TV

Brian Buccellato, co-writer and colorist of the new Flash series, is featured in a new video at Comic Book Resources. In it, creators from DC’s New 52 talk about the villains in their books, and provide some insight to their portrayal.

Buccellato, up first in the video, describes how it was important to he and co-writer Francis Manapul that Mob Rule be someone close to Barry Allen.  He also reveals that the character’s actions, not his motivations, classify him as a super-villain.

Head on over to CBR to check out the video, or click on the following image of Brian Buccellato spitting knowledge.

Art School: Step-by-Step with Francis Manapul & New Flash Artwork (via The Source)

The Source has an interesting piece up today featuring Flash writer/artist Francis Manapul, in which he takes readers through the process of creating a teaser/ad for DC’s New 52 Art Tour.

Manapul discusses his approach, from early layouts to the element of luck.  The first few steps include previously unseen artwork from the upcoming issue #3.  Here’s one version, featuring the preview:

The artwork previews, cover solicits and teasers for Flash have all been stunning.  A post like today’s Source feature shows off some of the ways that Manapul and partner Brian Buccellato are experimenting and innovating in their approach to the design of the Scarlet Speedster.  Looking for more?  We interviewed Manapul about his work earlier this year.

Head on over to The Source to check out the finished product(s).

Flash Launch: Francis Manapul Signings

Flash co-writer/artist Francis Manapul will be signing at three Toronto-area comic shops on Wednesday, when The Flash #1 hits the shelves.

SEPTEMBER 28 (Wednesday)
Stadium Comics 10:30am-12:30pm
Paradise Comics 3-5pm
Beguiling 7-9pm

SEPTEMBER 30 (Friday)
Toronto Cartoonist’s Workshop 7-11pm
Gallery show of original artwork from The Flash #1.

Facebook Event

UPDATE: More details including addresses at Francis Manapul’s Tumblr blog.

Flash Launch: Brian Buccellato Signings — Fall 2011

The Flash co-writer/artist Brian Buccellato was kind enough to send his signing schedule for the next few weeks. He’ll be appearing at a number of Los Angeles-area events and comic shops, as well as New York Comic-Con. It all kicks off at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, California on the day that The Flash #1 is released. Continue reading