This is the final installment of the wonderful reader-submitted entries for our “Why I Like the Flash” anniversary contest. The other entries can be seen here and here.
Category Archives: Fun
Why I Like the Flash Contest Entries, Part Two
A few days ago we posted the winning entries in our “Why I Like the Flash” contest, but would be remiss if we didn’t showcase the others as well, because they’re all quite good. Without further ado, here’s part two (of three) of the contest entries we received.
Why I Love the Flash – Contest Winners
Speed Force held a contest to celebrate our fifth anniversary in June, and though it took a while to finish (sorry about that), things are finally back on track. We are pleased to announce the winners, and to share everyone’s stories!
The question posed to readers was simply why do you like the Flash?, and thirteen people responded with some wonderful entries. There were beautiful stories, photographs, and fan art which were a delight to see. We will reprint them all here for everyone to enjoy, broken up into several posts for ease of reading.
Flashy iPad Billboard
A few months back, I saw this iPad billboard out of the corner of my eye and thought of this Jay Garrick/Golden Age Flash statue.
Apple has since rolled out a summer version of the same ad, which gives you an idea of how long it took me to post this.
Posted last week on Speed Force’s Instagram page.
The Speed Force 5th Photo Challenge!
At last, it’s the highlights from the #speedforce5th photo challenge! Thanks to everyone who participated by showing off your favorite Flash memorabilia. You have a great mix of toys, customs, comics, original art, and even fan art! Starting from upper left, we have @asowrey1158, @flash_jlanm, @i_am_flash, @royalflood, @shaerileth, @flash_jlanm again, and @bigragzz. You can see all the photos on Webstagram. (Update: or at least some of them on Instagram)
We’re still going through the entries for the Fifth Anniversary Contest, and hope to have the results soon. Sorry for the delay!
Reminders: Photo Challenge & Write-In Contest
Our #speedforce5th photo challenge has some great entries so far! It’s open until Friday: Just follow @speedforceorg on Instagram, then post a photo of your favorite Flash item tagged #speedforce5th.
We’re also getting some great entries in our fifth anniversary contest! Write in to and tell us why you like the Flash for a chance to win prizes. The contest is open through Monday.