Category Archives: Out This Week

This Week: Forever Evil, Impulse vs. the Joker (sort of)

Forever Evil #2 starring Johnny Quick, Ultraman and Superwoman

Forever Evil is out this week, with a cover focusing on the Crime Syndicate’s evil Johnny Quick and the Teen Titans’ attempt to fight back now that the villains have taken over the world. It doesn’t look like that goes too well for the Titans.

Earth 2 is out as well, closing out the war against Steppenwolf and the Hunger Dogs and revealing the identity of Brutal.

And in digital re-releases at ComiXology:

Impulse #79. This was a tie-in to the “Joker’s Last Laugh” event in which Joker thought he was dying, so he used a drug to transform villains all over the DCU into insane, smiling, “Jokerized” versions of themselves. Here, it’s an old foe of Max Mercury called Dr. Ether.

This Week: Digital Dark Flash vs Replicant

It’s the last week of Villains Month, and all three Flash villain spotlights are out. That leaves this week’s digital re-release, Flash #155 (Wally West series). The mysterious Dark Flash takes a more severe approach to villains than Barry or Wally ever did, and after Captain Boomerang is seriously injured in a fight, the Rogues create the Replicant, one man with the powers of all the Rogues’ weapons.

Replicant’s origin story was actually in The Flash Secret Files , which DC hasn’t sent to ComiXology. They haven’t been terribly concerned with specials like this, or annuals, from their backlist. Fortunately, most of the annuals from this series were stand-alone stories, and only the Replicant origin and introduction of Hunter Zolomon in the second and third Secret Files books really leave holes in the stories that are online. Well, and Iron Heights, which is a critical piece of the build-up to Crossfire.

This Week: Rogues round out Villains Month, Impulse hangs up his boots

The Flash #23.3 / The Rogues
Mirror Master behind glass, Glider in a coma and the Trickster behind bars in Iron Heights. Captain Cold tries to rally the team, but the Rogues haven’t forgiven him yet for the positions they’re in. And when the Crime Syndicate invites them to join their side and unite with the villains of the DC Universe, one of the team won’t be able to answer the call. Will the rest choose a criminal life or stick to the Rogues Code?

Brian Buccellato and Patrick Zircher. Preview available.

In digital back-issues, DC releases another issue at ComiXology:

Impulse #78
After “Our Worlds at War,” Impulse is ready to give up heroing for good. But can he stay out of the game when White Lightning returns?

Todd Dezago, Carlo Barberi, cover by Ethan van Sciver

This Week: Reverse Flash #1, Dark Flash Revealed

Villains Month Reverse Flash finalVillains Month continues with the second of three Flash-related one-shots: Flash #23.2, or Reverse-Flash . Learn the origin of the all-new Reverse-Flash. preview at Uproxx. Written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato with art by guest artist Scott Hepburn. Cover by Francis Manapul.

Also in digital backissues at ComiXology

Flash #154Flash #154
The Dark Flash battles the Folded Man, then reveals his identity to Impulse, Jesse Quick, and Max Mercury. But can they trust that he is who he says he is? Meanwhile, Linda Park finds herself in an alternate reality where her counterpart died at the hands of Kobra, pushing Wally West over the edge. Written by Mark Waid and Brian Augustyn with art by Paull Pelletier and Jose Marzan Jr. Cover by Steve Lightle.

This Week: Grodd in Villains Month, Impulse at War

Villains Month Grodd CoverIt’s villains month at DC Comics, and the first of three Flash villain one-shots arrives this week.

Also, Forever Evil won’t have the Flash in it, but it will have the Earth-3 speedster Johnny Quick.

Flash #23.1: Grodd . Grodd returns in the Flash’s absence, changed by his time in the speed force. Nerdist has a preview of the issue by Brian Buccellato and Chris Batista.

In digital back-issues:

Impulse #77: An “Our Worlds at War” tie-in. Impulse and Young Justice take the war to Apokalips, but when one of Bart’s “speed duplicates” is killed, the psychic feedback takes him out of commission.

(Note that Bart only gained this power a few issues earlier. I seem to recall reading an interview with Todd Dezago saying that the new power was editorially mandated, and he and the artists didn’t want to clutter up the concept, so they gave Bart a reason to stop using it as soon as they could.)

This Week: Reverse-Flash in Flash #23 & the Folded Man

The latest issue of The Flash comes out this week, featuring the long-awaited reveal of the new Reverse-Flash’s identity. DC has a preview of the issue available.Flash #23 (final cover)

Reverse-Flash wants all the power he can get his hands on. But why does he need a monopoly on the Speed Force? Barry Allen makes a desperate attempt to save Iris from this ruthless killer —and you can’t be sure who will be left standing by this issue’s end! Plus, learn the shocking true identity of Reverse-Flash! From the New York Times bestselling creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, THE FLASH #23 speeds into stores this Wednesday.

Update: Team books!

Justice League #23 wraps up “Trinity War.”

TRINITY WAR CHAPTER 6! Trinity War concludes! But that doesn’t mean all ends well for our heroes. The secret behind Pandora’s Box is revealed and it means the end of the Justice Leagues!

Teen Titans #23 is also out, and DC has a preview of that as well.

Kid Flash is being pulled into a mysterious vortex, and his cries for help set off a chain reaction. Each Titan on the scene lends their strength to the last, but will it be enough? Wonder Girl, Bunker, Beast Boy, Solstice and then Superboy all become part of the tug of war – with Kid Flash stuck in the middle! (Scott Lobdell, Robson Rocha, Wayne Faucher)

And in digital back-issues, the Dark Flash saga continues.

Flash Flash confronts the Folded Man, whose suit allows him to switch between 2D, 3D and 4D space. In the mean time, Linda finds herself in a parallel world where Walter West is wanted by the law. (summary from

Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn, Paul Pelletier, Jose Marzan, Jr.