Category Archives: Reviews

“Rogues to Redemption” Review of THE FLASH 788

Gregory Wolfe, the corrupt warden of Iron Heights, has won the election to be Mayor of Central City. This can’t be good news – and indeed it is very bad news for Wally West. The idea of who is the good guy in town gets flipped upside down as we start “Rogues to Redemption” here in issue 788. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Time to Shine” Review of THE FLASH 787

We’ve just completed an outstanding arc, and are getting ready for the next major arc to begin. What we get in between is an issue of THE FLASH that is more fun than any fan could ask. It’s a romp through the world of pro wrestling with an intergalactic twist. And of course, Wally finds himself in the middle of it all! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The Official Movie Tie-In – Review of THE FLASH – THE FASTEST MAN ALIVE 1

The movie may be far away (if indeed it is released given the current state of affairs), but the comic is already here. This is the “Official Movie Tie-In Comic” for the upcoming FLASH film. How does it stack up? That’s what we’re here to talk about! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The Romance Novel of…THE FLASH ANNUAL 2022 (Review)

Linda Park-West gets an origin story, of sorts. Through an admittedly sappy Harlequin Romance-style story, Linda tells her own story. How she met Wally, about their adventures together. It’s a different kind of storytelling by Jeremy Adams – and it works for this annual. That’s even before you get to two important points that will show up in future FLASH stories. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Search for Barry Allen, Part 2” Review of THE FLASH 784

Our favorite speedsters have gone in different directions, looking for the version of Barry Allen that Pariah has captured and hidden away. We’ll see a lot of different adventures, but we mainly follow Wally and Wallace as they find Barry – right? But, what’s with this strange world Barry is living in, and what effect will it have on Wally and Wallace? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!

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“The Search for Barry Allen Part 1” Review of THE FLASH 783

Okay, okay, so I fanboyed out big time reading this issue. I don’t know how you could be a Flash fan of any generation and not feel absolute joy at seeing some of the characters who show up in this issue. But the story here is critical – not just to FLASH continuity, but to the “Dark Crisis” in general. In other words, the fate of the Omniverse is in the hands of our heroes. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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