Category Archives: Reviews

Alchemy! Review of THE FLASH 765

The threat Dr. Alchemy presents is growing exponentially. When we left the Flash last time, his connection to the Speed Force itself was severed, taking away his speed! How can a regular speed Barry Allen face off against this powered-up Albert Desmond? We get some answers here…but also some new twists to the tale. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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Dr. Alchemy Attacks! Review of THE FLASH #764

In his second story as writer for THE FLASH, Kevin Shinick has given new life to a classic Flash foe. It’s time for…Dr. Alchemy! This time around, Alchemy seems more powerful than ever…is he too powerful even for the Scarlet Speedster? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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A New Start With a New Team – Review of THE FLASH #763

We’ve just completed on of the more successful runs on THE FLASH, and are getting a new start with writer Kevin Shinick and artist Clayton Henry. RIght out of the gate, this team gives us a new look at a classic Flash accessory – and it absolutely melts our hearts! Most creators want to add their stamp to a classic character, and that’s just what they have done here. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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Wally’s Time – Review of SPEED METAL #1

THE FLASH #762 was a wonderful wrap up to Joshua Williamson’s time on the title. But, as he has said, Williamson is not through with The Flash. This may be the best tie-in to DEATH METAL yet – especially if you are a fan of DC Speedsters. The danger may not be over at the end of this story, but Wally’s story comes full circle in a way that should make fans jump for joy! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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At the “Finish Line” Review of THE FLASH 762

Joshua Williamson concludes one of the most consequential runs on this title that I’ve seen in my 50+ years of reading THE FLASH. There is an almost “Whatever Happened to the Man of Steel” feel to parts of this (think the last Silver Age Superman story by Alan Moore). And, it gives us a perfect ending…and beginning to hand off the baton to the next creative team. It’s the final battle with the Reverse-Flash. Will Barry repeat what he did just before COIE and kill his greatest enemy? Will Barry survive the fight? Or, will he be lost in the Speed Force for all time? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Finish Line” Part Three – Review of THE FLASH #761

I’ve just about run out of superlatives for this arc. One his way out of a 100+ issue run on THE FLASH, writer Joshua Williamson keeps upping the ante. If you think he threw everything but the kitchen sink at this story…hold on to your hats because it gets even grander in scale here! This story arc gives us everything any Flash fan of any era has ever loved about their favorite speedster(s). Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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