Your regularly scheduled weekend linkblogging…
First the Flash & Speedster stuff
- Manapul and Buccellato talk Captain Cold Redesign at CBR
- How Captain Cold got his powers, as speculated by /co/
- Flash onesies at That F’ing Monkey. I’m sure no one will be surprised that J has two of these.
- Silver Age Comics on The Flash’s Final Fling–Twice
- Flash Companion Preview: Lost Gold – Unpublished Flash Stories from the Golden Age (this week’s Wayback Wednesday)
- The Full Run: Mark Waid’s Flash (Part 2) – Comics Bulletin
- Touch of Grey’s Flash Collection
- Art Deco/Miminalist Flash & Zoom by Omnibit Designs
- A Flash bow tie – seems appropriae.
- Some blond guy cameos in The Thessaliad, a Sandman spinoff by Bill Willingham
- DCUO: Lightning Strikes trailer. I’ve lost track of whether we’ve already linked to this one from here or not.
- Character designs: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents: Lightning (the team’s resident speedster)
- Flash by Yildiray Cinar (via SpeedsterSite)
- They found Wally.
- There’s a ton of new stuff at The Rogues Kick Ass this week.
More comics-related stuff
- The Shade con sketch by Cully Hamner
- Art: 30 DC characters in a marching line by Ilias Kyriazis (via Robot 6)
- Top 10 Comic Book TV Shows at The Flash makes the list. Click through to see what else does.
- Top Ten Ways to Improve The Comic Book Retail Experience – Comics Bulletin
- With all the New 52 creative team changes, Grumpy Old Fan looks back at some notable changings of the guard at DC from the past 20 years.
- Ask Chris is Talking About Azrael, the 1990s and You at ComicsAlliance
- Comics Should Be Good celebrates 7 years! Congratulations!
- The Line It Is Drawn: Team-ups and Farewells at CSBG
- DC VP John Rood Discusses Nov. Sales Win & Future Plans at Newsarama
- Long Beach Comic Con is on Google+.
And beyond comics.
- Yes, I actually found one: Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart (Photo) – Check the sporting goods department and ask for Ash. See if they have any specials on boom sticks.
- Lunar Eclipse photos – I woke up early Saturday morning to watch the eclipse, then stayed out to watch the sunrise.