Tag Archives: Avengers

Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch get Avengers: Age of Ultron Posters

Quicksilver character poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron

Marvel has released new character posters for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It will be interesting to see how this version of Quicksilver works out — the X-Men: Days of Future Past version was a highlight of that movie, and the breakout scene shown from his point of view left a lot of people wondering how the Flash could measure up to it on a TV budget. Continue reading

Quicksilver Revealed – Avengers 2 Edition

Photos from the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron have revealed that film’s version of the Marvel speedster, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Notable is that in the Disney/Marvel Studios version, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren’t wearing traditional superhero costumes so much as ordinary street clothes that call to mind their comic book looks.

Back in January, Fox released their version of the character from X-Men: Days of Future Past on the cover of Empire Magazine. They took a considerably different approach to the character design.

More photos at The Beat, including Scarlet Witch and others.

So, what do you think of this take on the character?

Update: Here’s a link to some concept art for the movie.

Quicksilver Cast in Avengers Sequel

It’s being reported that Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass) has been cast as Quicksilver in the big-screen Avengers: Age of Ultron, joining Elisabeth Olsen as his sister the Scarlet Witch (via ComicsAlliance).

It will be interesting to compare the two different takes on the character; Marvel’s most well-known speedster is also appearing in X-Men: Days of Future Past, where he’ll be played by Evan Peters.

Fast Art: Noah Van Sciver, Jamal Igle & Alternate Avengers

Noah Van Sciver, younger brother of artist Ethan Van Sciver, reinterprets Flash: Rebirth #3 at Covered (via Comics Alliance). The alternative comics artist was reinterpreting each issue of the miniseries in a single comic strip for Wizard Universe, and got through issue before the site shut down.

Jamal Igle draws the Flash for the upcoming ComiConn. It’s a really nice piece! (via Comic Verso)

And some fun fan art: The Weekly Crisis has some “rejected” Avengers for the new line-up in “I Am An Avenger, Too!” featuring everyone from Beta Ray Bill to…Optimus Prime?

Noah Van Sciver Covers Flash: Rebirth #3 Jamal Igle Flash Optimus Prime: I Am An Avenger Too