Tag Archives: Contest

Video Contest: Run to the Flash (Flash TV Talk)


The podcast Flash TV Talk is running a fan contest. Read on for more details:

While we all anxiously await the new CW Flash series, the Flash TV Talk podcast has been getting hyped with Flash Fan events and contests like the #SpeedsterShowdown, #RoguesRumble, and the “Race To 50″ drawing.

Its time to go BIG!

It’s simple. Have a friend record a video of you running across the screen (left to right) in your favorite Flash Gear! Could be a shirt, hat, or even a full fledged costume! Bonus points to Flash Fans who are able to record the run in front of a local monument or attraction (Mt Rushmore, The Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, etc.)

Select video entries will be compiled into one super sketch that will be broadcast to the world wide Flash Fan community on Youtube and sent to the show’s creators, CW, and DC Comics!

Send the video as well as your twitter handle and city/state/country to Contest@FlashTVTalk.com

What’s the give away!? Every entry will be added to a drawing to win the Comixology collected edition of The Flash (2011-) Vol. 1: Move Forward

Be sure to snap a picture with the hash-tag #RunToTheFlash and tweet us to let the world know we aren’t going to sit still until the Flash gets here!

All Entries must be in by July 31st


Why I Love the Flash – Contest Winners

Speed Force held a contest to celebrate our fifth anniversary in June, and though it took a while to finish (sorry about that), things are finally back on track. We are pleased to announce the winners, and to share everyone’s stories!

The question posed to readers was simply why do you like the Flash?, and thirteen people responded with some wonderful entries. There were beautiful stories, photographs, and fan art which were a delight to see. We will reprint them all here for everyone to enjoy, broken up into several posts for ease of reading.

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Reminders: Photo Challenge & Write-In Contest

Doomed! (Flash of Two Worlds)

Our #speedforce5th photo challenge has some great entries so far! It’s open until Friday: Just follow @speedforceorg on Instagram, then post a photo of your favorite Flash item tagged #speedforce5th.

We’re also getting some great entries in our fifth anniversary contest! Write in to year5@speedforce.org and tell us why you like the Flash for a chance to win prizes. The contest is open through Monday.

Speed Force Fifth Anniversary Contest

Welcome to Speed Force’s fifth anniversary celebration! As part of the fun, we’re running another contest for Flash fans to participate in. And of course there will be prizes!

The idea is simple: just tell us why you like the Flash. Any Flash –- it can be Jay, Barry, Wally, Bart, or all of them (or even just the Flash as a concept). Or perhaps tell us about what he/they mean to you. You can write about it or draw it, whatever suits your talents, and we’ll post the entries after the contest is over. To enter, send your submission here.

The contest will run from Monday June 17 to Monday June 24, with a deadline of 11:50 PM Pacific Time. One entry per person, please. The five Speed Force writers (Kelson, Devin, Greg, Ed, and myself) will select our favourites from the submitted entries and award the prizes.

Good luck, and have fun!