Some linkblogging for the week…
What Were They Thinking?! approves of Joan Garrick, even in her original Golden Age appearances.
High Five! Comics looks at Flash #206: 24 Hours of Immortality and Nurse Barry.
The Idol-Head of Diabolu has located a 1967 board game featuring the Flash (via Crimson Lightning).
The Flash-Back podcast reviews “Blitz.”
Wednesday Comics artist and co-writer Karl Kerschl announces a European tour along with Ramón Pérez and Cameron Stewart over the next month.
Artist Evan “Doc” Shaner presents his 5-member Justice League (well, 7). It’s rather unconventional, featuring the Viking Prince, Jonah Hex and Sergeant Rock…but he puts the Flash front and center (via @FrancisManapul).
Screen Rant casts the Flash, both Barry Allen and Wally West, with some…Horribly familiar choices.
I finally updated the profile of Bart Allen on Smallville.
Wide View
Today’s flashback post at K-Squared Ramblings covers’s “World’s Fastest Man” ad campaign from a couple of years ago. A bit more current: I write about rereading Flashforward.
Speaking of other Flashes, Sociological Images wonders: Can Ming the Merciless be redeemed?
Indy Comic Book Week encourages writers and artists to self-publish books for the week of December 30, when Diamond won’t be shipping any comics, and offer them through their local comic stores.
My Modern Metropolis collects 25 re-imagined movie posters. They’re all great, but Flash fans should pay particular attention to the Incredibles poster.