Tag Archives: Futures End

Media Blitz! Venditti and Jensen Talk With CBR About Wally West and More!

New Flash writers Robert Venditti and Van Jensen are featured today at Comic Book Resources in an interview about their plans for Wally West, the Rogues and more as their run begins with issue on April 30.   While some parts of Wally’s New 52 debut are still secret, we get a sense of the imporance of his relationship with Barry…and how long they plan to keep Wally as a big part of the series.  Follow the jump to get the details!

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DC Announces New Weekly FUTURES END

DC Comics revealed their second weekly series of 2014 yesterday, with The New 52: Futures End joining Batman: Eternal.


The first installment, a issue, will be released on Free Comic Book Day in May. Issue will also come out that month.  In an article over at ABC News (via AP), writer Jeff Lemire is quoted about the themes at play in the time-hopping weekly:

“Really, what we’re trying to do with this book is to explore the nature of what a hero is and we’re doing that, obviously by playing with the future of the New 52 timeline,” Lemire said. “Past present and future all colliding in this story line.”

That means exploring the past with a character like Frankenstein, the present with Firestorm and the future with Batman Beyond who is, Lemire said, making what is his first “in-continuity appearance. He’ll become part of the New 52.”

Flash fans might note that the 2013 Justice League Beyond series featured a future-Flash named Danica Williams, who has the ability to consult with past speedsters (including Wally West, as well as the “original” Jay Garrick and Bart Allen).  It remains to be seen if the Batman Beyond featured will be from the same continuity as the Batman Beyond Universe comics.

Check out posts over at Comics Alliance, ABC News and Comics Beat for more!