Through Comic Book Resources, DC Comics has revealed plans for Justice League 3000 by Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire. The ongoing series, launching in fall, will feature (at least) future versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern
So far, all they’ve really released is the creative team and Howard Porter’s designs, including this one for the Flash.

While the team is best known for the humorous “Bwahaha” Justice League International, they’ve written their share of serious stories as well. (You don’t get more serious than Giffen’s “Five Years Later” Legion.)
No doubt this is what’s behind both the end of the current Legion of Super-Heroes and the Justice Legion rumors: Presumably the LSH has been shifted to another timeframe, since I imagine the two concepts wouldn’t coexist very well.
Also, it’s worth noting: The Flash of JL3000 has red hair and green eyes. I’m not going to read too much into that. Other Wally West fans may be more optimistic, but I’ve been burned too many times to get my hopes up.
Updates: Giffen & DeMatteis talk to Newsarama, Giffen talks to CBR about the series.