While the Reverse Flash has been one of the Flash’s toughest foes from his first Silver Age appearance, we’ve seen multiple variations on his origin story, ranging from his starting out as a criminal in the future (with Barry stopping him during a trip to the 25th century), to Thawne being the descendant of a long-lost twin, to Thawne’s travel to the past to meet Wally as “Barry Allen”…you get the idea. FLASHPOINT didn’t help that matter, with Thawne’s apparent death and later reappearance in the DCU. Now, in an “Extra-Sized Anniversary Issue” celebrating the latest volume of THE FLASH hitting issue #25, we get the REBIRTH origin…one that ties together many elements of previous origin stories while giving us a fresh twist. Anyone doubt that Joshua Williamson knows his Flash Facts? Not this reviewer…and if you want to know more, just follow us after the jump!
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