Tag Archives: SDCC 2009

Flash Panels at Comic-Con 2009

DC has posted their panel schedule for Comic-Con International. Some panels where the Flash is likely to come up include:

Thursday, July 23rd

2:15-3:15 Spotlight on Geoff Johns
He is the mastermind behind the smash-hit, critically acclaimed Flash: Rebirth and DC’s most anticipated book of the year, Green Lantern: Blackest Night. Wondering what makes Geoff Johns tick? Don’t miss this panel hosted by Eddie Berganza, Group Editor—DCU, interviewing one of the most exciting talents in the DCU. Room 6DE

Notes: I missed this one last year because it conflicted with a Robert J. Sawyer spotlight panel. I don’t regret going to the RJS panel, but I did miss some cool stuff at this one. With luck, I can make it this year.

5:00 -6:00 JSA: The Great Society
DC’s legendary super-team enters a new era with top talent and explosive storylines in the second half of 2009! Get the inside scoop on everything JSA right here including info on the exciting spin-off title Magog and the main series Justice Society of America from the creative minds behind the franchise. Hosted by DC’s Senior Group Editor, Mike Carlin, with top talents Bill Willingham (JSA), Matt Sturges (JSA), Freddie Williams (Final Crisis Aftermath: Run), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Jimmy Palmiotti (Power Girl) and more! Room 5AB

Friday, July 24th

3:00-4:00 DC NATION
Calling all NATION recruits! Bring your friends and hear top talent discuss where the DC NATION is heading from 2009 and beyond. Sr. VP – Executive Editor Dan DiDio hosts this exciting discussion with Ian Sattler, James Robinson, Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, and more! Join them for a VIP look into the most talked about stories and events of the summer! Room 6DE

Notes: I’ve been to DC Nation twice — once at last year’s CCI hosted by Dan DiDio, and once at this year’s WonderCon hosted by Ian Sattler. Say what you like about DiDio, but he really brings energy to the panels he hosts.

4:30-5:30 Wednesday Comics
Wednesday Comics gives a fresh twist to a grand comics tradition by reinventing the classic newspaper comics section and filling it to the brim with today’s top talent and characters! Learn all you need to know about DC’s excitingly innovative weekly 12-issue series from the title’s mastermind, DCU Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello, and an all-star list of panelists! Believe us; you’ve never seen a panel or a project like this! Room 5AB

Notes: I’m not sure if I’ll make it to this one, but assuming the first few weeks of Wednesday Comics hold up to their promise, I’ll certainly make an effort.

Saturday, July 25th

12:45-2:00 DCU Editorial Presentation
Dan DiDio, Senior VP / Executive Editor DCU, Ian Sattler, Senior Story Editor—DCU, and countless DCU talent are gathering for a discussion that’s not to be missed. Now that Blackest Night is upon us, what lies ahead for your favorite heroes? Got a question for your favorite DCU creator? Come on by! There’s no greater gathering of top-tier creative talent! Room 6B

Notes: Generally, these are more or less DC Nation Part 1½. You get some retread from the previous day’s panel, then some new stuff, then the reader question-and-answer. I’ll have to see what this is up against.

2:15-3:15 Green Lantern: Blackest Night
The dead are rising in the DCU – who will survive when the Blank Lantern Corps attacks? This is your only chance to hear what’s coming up in Blackest Night, the most anticipated comic event of the year! Featuring all the key figures behind the biggest, coolest threat to the DCU in years! Hosted by Group Editor Eddie Berganza with Geoff Johns (Green Lantern), Pat Gleason (Green Lantern Corps) and others! Room 6QUAD

Notes: I have no idea what room 6QUAD is. Ordinarily I’d assume they meant 6CDEF, but I’ve seen 6DE listed on its own.

Sunday, July 26th

2:00–3:00 Sunday Conversation with Dan DiDio
As the con comes to a close, sit back and unwind as Dan DiDio and friends invite you to a relaxed Sunday afternoon comics discussion. Share your opinions and listen to others as some of comics’ biggest names talk about their love of all things comics. All are welcome, no RSVP required. Room 2

Notes: I’ve never been to one of these. Anyone else know what they’re like?

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-03-22 (including Hotel Madness)

  • Saw Watchmen. Better than expected. Spectacular, detailed, but unsubtle and gored-up. Best music cue: “Everybody Wants To Rule the World”
  • OK, I am officially sick of the phrase, “What recession?”
  • Read Mysterius the Unfathomable #1-2. Annoyed at first that the only skeptic is portrayed as a total a-hole. OTOH, so is everyone else.
  • San Diego Comic-Con hotel list and prices are up. Rooms go on sale Thursday morning.
  • 24 hours to go until SDCC hotel madness…after which I probably WILL want to be sedated.
  • Retweeting @SpeedsterSite: iFanboy names Wally as one of the most underused characters in the DCU.
  • Countdown: 14 days to Flash: Rebirth
  • Pics of Flash Jay Garrick on Friday’s Batman: Brave and the Bold

Special Report: Comic-Con International Hotel Day

  • ComicCon hotel prep: Firefox+Win for compatibility, desktop in case wifi goes out, other sites up in Chrome so crash won’t take out Fx.
  • ComicCon Hotel Rush: filled with antici…
  • …pation.
  • ComicCon: In the Waiting Room!
  • “We’re sorry. All circuits are busy now.” Over and over and over and over.
  • Why the hell am I live-tweeting Comic-Con Hotel Reservations?
  • OK, now I know that it takes 20 minutes for me to start getting annoyed with the #comiccon reservation line.
  • Every once in a while I get a 2nd or even 3rd ring before comiccon hotel line goes to “all circuits are busy now” msg. false hope…
  • I hope the “waiting room” page for comiccon hotels is actually doing something and not just sitting there.
  • OK, the comiccon hotel waiting room page DOES hit the network every once in a while. It must be doing SOMETHING.
  • Last two years I got through the ComicCon hotel reservations by 10:04. It’s 10:05 and I’m still in the “waiting room.”
  • On the plus side I’m starting to see “success!” posts from other people on Twitter.
  • Swivel chair picked this time to fall apart. Reassembled. Still waiting in comiccon hotel queue.
  • Phone connected!
  • Got through comiccon hotel process on phone. Left top 5 choices, name addr & phone # and they’ll call back for credit card info. *whew!*
  • *sigh* ComicCon hotel reservation has my name & addr wrong. Can’t fix online b/c they don’t have the CC yet, call center closed for the day

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