- All right! Friday’s photos actually uploaded overnight!
- Just walked up to Mark Waid for autograph at Boom booth, no line. How times change.
Had no idea Leonard Nimoy & Brent Spiner were going to be here.
- Took a trip thru Artists alley, then rushed 3/4 of the exhbit hall to DC booth. Forgot how far it was.
- Saw Harley Quinn skipping merrily along. With a gun, of course.
Got a great Madame Xanadu sketch by Amy Hadley & Richard Friend! #Vertigo
- Batgirl, Harley Quinn & Power Girl @ DC booth
- Dark Reign Panel: “How do you want Norman Osborn taken down?” Kid dressed as Vision: “Honestly? Howard the Duck.” *applause* “Or Deadpool.”
- Today is trade-off day. Couldn’t choose btw Quick Draw & Sheldon Moldoff, skipped both to do Madame Xanadu
- Black Lantern Captain America!
- Liveblogging DC Universe Panel
- Thought my legs were shaking. Understandable for 3rd day of con. Turned out to be the floor.
- Could really use Google Maps for con floor. Search by booth name, get directions. At least the pull-out map shows major booths.
Whoa. Saw a Princess Leia who was fully clothed.
- Fought thru G4 crowd to get Coraline exclusive figure at next booth over.
- All right!!! RT @Robot6 Gail Simone’s Welcome to Tranquility will return at Wildstorm
Ran into a 3rd Jay Garrick a few minutes back. Most years I don’t see any Flashes at all!
- Newsarama covers DCU panel
- Whew! Made it through Geoff Johns signing. Going to try for PAD and Bryan Lee O’Malley, then call it a day.
- 4 signings, 1 panel, caught 4 artists/writers at booths/artists’ alley. Feet ready to fall off. Done for the day
- Those searchlights should have the Bat Signal
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Amy Hadley’s Madame Xanadu is the best drawn comic on the stands right now, bar none.
Why not a Flash sketch though? C’mon!
None this year, but last year I got an Impulse sketch by Todd Nauck and an Iris-as-speedster by Freddie Williams II.