Wally’s Time – Review of SPEED METAL #1

THE FLASH #762 was a wonderful wrap up to Joshua Williamson’s time on the title. But, as he has said, Williamson is not through with The Flash. This may be the best tie-in to DEATH METAL yet – especially if you are a fan of DC Speedsters. The danger may not be over at the end of this story, but Wally’s story comes full circle in a way that should make fans jump for joy! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


The Batman Who Laughs has entered his final form, his most powerful yet. He is chasing Wally, Barry and Jay…and he’s catching up! Wallace (Kid Flash) joins the fray, but things are looking very bad for our speedsters. This is the moment Wally shows what he is made of. Wally uses Johnny Quick’s Speed Formula to stop time and give them a chance to figure out what to do.

Barry wants to continue running, but Wally has a better idea. They go back and forth, giving us a sort of meta analysis of how each character has been treated since FLASHPOINT. In the end, Barry decides to trust, and to follow, Wally West.

Wally’s plan is working…but speedsters are falling by the wayside. In the end, Barry gives some of his own Speed Force to Wally, and he escapes to the Mobius Chair…for a moment.

The Batman Who Laughs may actually think he won this battle, at least for a moment. Instead, we get a peek into the Speed Force for a full reunion of the Flash family. And this time…finally…and I meanĀ finally…

Wally and Linda reunite!

Now, there are more battles to be fought, and the danger is far from over. But in this moment, it appears that the rehabilitation of Wally West is finally complete!


  • This story gives us everything. A huge battle, an almost all-powerful enemy, someĀ very cool Metal versions of Jay, Barry and Wallace…and the reunion we’ve been waiting for so many years.
  • The artwork is fantastic. Eddy Barrows (pencils), Eber Ferreira (inks), Adriano Lucas (colors) and Steve Wands (letters) combine for a visually stunning issue. BTW – kudos on the Metal versions of our heroes.


This story gave us much more than just a tie-in to a larger event. This stands as a critical moment in the life of a fan-favorite Flash. It gave us a moment we’ve been begging for ever since FLASHPOINT, and it delivered so very well all the way around. I’ll give this a 10/10 – but of course, that’s just my opinion. What do YOU think? Leave your comments below!


2 thoughts on “Wally’s Time – Review of SPEED METAL #1

  1. Jesse Richards

    A wonderful tribute to Wally and the whole Flash family. They even put him back in his classic white-eyes no-chin-strap costume (the best Flash costume ever IMHO).

  2. golddragon71

    I loved it! Barry’s recognition of Wally’s plight was heartfelt. Jay’s “Flashess don’t fight!” Gibbs-slap was perfect. The genuine reunion of Wally and Linda was Long overdue and for once, I don’t have a feeling of dread at the end about what will happen at the end of this Death Metal storyline (the way I have had with almost every storyline since Wally was punched in the chest by that little troll Damian)


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