Category Archives: Reviews

The Flash Age Finale! Review of THE FLASH #755

Issue #755 of THE FLASH does what few comics have accomplished at the end of an arc. This issue ends a significant arc on a high note – no disappointments, no loss of energy at the end of the arc. As a bonus, we get the resolution to a mystery that has dogged one character since the beginning of Joshua Williamson’s time on THE FLASH. And, we get an effective launch to the arc that comes next. It’s a great finale to a high-action arc. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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The Flash Age Part Five – Review of THE FLASH #754

Paradox is proving to be the most powerful villain Flash has faced yet. He is jumping through time, killing various versions of Barry Allen – and gaining temporal energy from the paradoxes he creates. Our Flash cannot stop him, not alone. So, he has had to go to the last person he ever dreamed he would team up with…the Hero of the 25th Century, Eobard Thawne! What? Yes, that’s right! The Reverse Flash is the only person who ever defeated Paradox, so it’s time to set up the strangest “buddy” adventure of all time(s). Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Success is Assured” S6 E19 of THE FLASH (Season Finale)

Episode 19 was originally meant to be a high point in the season, a huge dramatic moment to lead us into the final chapters of Season 6. Instead, it has become the finale itself. And what a finale! We get big time drama, amazing action, some cinematic quality shots, and a big time cliffhanger. What more could you ask? Season 6, even in its shortened form, has been one of the very best of the series. This episode just put the topping on the cake with a terrific season-ending blast. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Pay the Piper” Review of S6 E18 of THE FLASH

Ever since THE FLASH returned from it’s most recent hiatus, the show has been on an almost unprecedented run (no pun intended). There has been more packed into every episode than anyone could have dreamed…except for the exceptional creative team for THE FLASH. This is now the penultimate episode of Season 6, thanks to the shutdown associated with the Coronavirus, and we can expect even more out of Episode 18. We know that Eva McCulloch has escaped the mirror world, that mirror Iris is no more, and that Barry’s speed is still fading away. What more can they give us tonight? From the previews, we know that Godspeed is back…and that Hartley Rathaway is no longer Barry’s friend. Is it time to “Pay the Piper”? We’ll have to see for ourselves. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Liberation” Review of S6 E17 of THE FLASH

If you thought last week’s episode was intense, buckle up for this one. “Liberation”, S6 E17 of THE FLASH is the most emotionally intense episode we’ve seen so far…and that is really saying something! Last episode, Joe West barely avoided assassination and has now gone into witness protection. “Iris”, under orders to drain what little Speed Force is left from Barry, has played his emotions to the limit. Barry is now out of the apartment, his speed nearly gone…and all that pales in comparison to what we see this week.  Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“So Long and Goodnight” Review of S6 E16 of THE FLASH

It’s been just over a month since we last saw a new episode of THE FLASH. Wow, did they pack a LOT into this one! The season looks to end earlier than planned due to the impact of COVID-19 on production, so that makes sense. Still, there is a lot to unpack here, in an episode with significant implications for whatever is left of this season. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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