Some weekend linkblogging…
Incoming Justice League writer James Robinson will include a speedster on the roster.
Yes. I’m talking to Geoff [Johns] about which one it will be. I just have to make sure that everyone at DC is happy with the choice. But there’s a definitely one I have in mind, and I think you’ll all find it an interesting choice.
Blackest Night editor Eddie Berganza contrasts Black Lanterns against Zombies.
The Flash: Rebirth team of Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver are both on the WonderCon 2010 Guest List.
Apparently Mark Waid isn’t evil anymore, judging by the new website
Fan Commentary

High Five! Comics has invented the world’s fastest drink: the Scarlet Speedster. In true Flash fashion, though, it’s not the first drink to ride the lightning! They’ve also put together a list of the top 10 “Most Ridiculous Villains We Could Think Of”. Two Flash villains — the Turtle and Double Down — make the cut alongside such classics as Starro the Conqueror, Polka Dot Man, and Turner D. Century. (I am not making this up.)
Titans Tower Monitor Room has put together a list of Top 20 Iconic Titans Covers.
Comics and Geeks is tempted by the Uni-Formz Flash action figures.
Fanboy Power Hour looks back at DC Comics Presents #1, the first half of one of the classic Superman-Flash races.
Update: Crimson lightning ponders Wally West’s Last Stand.
Update: Today’s random flashback post on my other blog is a scan of a rather hilarious public service announcement from the 1960s, BEM: Ladies’ Man.