Category Archives: Reviews

“Death and the Speed Force” Part Five – Review of THE FLASH #80

The Black Flash is still looking to “save” the Speed Force by killing the avatars of the other Forces (Strength, Sage, Still).  One of them has already been killed, and Barry Allen is determined that no one else dies today. Can the Flash make good on that promise? Things have gotten a bit more complicated with the arrival of the “One True Flash” – and in case you don’t know who THAT is, just follow us after the jump to find out more. In fact, why don’t you just follow us after the jump anyway? LOTS more info on a very good issue of THE FLASH!


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“Into the Void” Review of S6 E1 of THE FLASH!

We are back for Season Six of THE FLASH! Barry and Iris have lost their once and future daughter Nora. Cisco Ramon is no longer Vibe, having given up his powers to have a chance at love. The Crisis is looming…but that’s for later in the season. What will come up for Team Flash tonight? Follow us after the jump!


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“Death of the Speed Force” Part Four – Review of THE FLASH #79

Stuff just got real last issue, with the death of [REDACTED]. Barry Allen is determined to save everyone else, but some new (though familiar) players are now in the game. That makes everything more complicated. To steal a quote, “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story”? Looks like we may have a partial answer for all of that in this issue of THE FLASH! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Loneliest Man Alive” Review of FLASH FORWARD #1

Wally West has his own series – that’s the very good news. The tough part is that this follows the heartbreaking events of HEROES IN CRISIS. How can you rehabilitate a beloved character who accidentally killed 13 other heroes? How do you heal a broken person in Wally West? This story starts that journey, and it appears to be an epic tale from the very beginning! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Death of the Speed Force” Part Three – Review of THE FLASH #78

The presence of all the new forces (Strength, Still, Sage) is causing the Speed Force to fade away. Barry and all the speedsters are getting slower. Without something to turn things around, the Speed Force itself will die! Who can save the Speed Force? By now we have that answer – but the presence of [REDACTED] places all other force users in danger! Barry is once again trying to save everyone, but that plan is quickly falling apart. That’s where we pick up in THE FLASH #78 – want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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Death of the Speed Force Part Two – Review of THE FLASH #77

Barry has his hands full, with danger on every front. [REDACTED] appeared last issue to try to kill the user of the Still Force.  Captain Cold is up to something tied to the Year of the Villain, and that can’t be good. And, the Speed Force is…dying! Things are starting to look bleak for our Scarlet Speedster. Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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