Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading: DC Reboot Week Two

Some weekend linkblogging with articles on the DC Relaunch.

Speed Reading: Other Stuff

And this wraps up the weekend’s linkblogging!

Speed Reading: Art Round-Up

Almost caught up with the linkblogging! Here’s some professional and fan art featuring the Flash and related characters.

Speed Reading: DC Reboot Edition

The linkblogging catch-up continues! DC insists that September’s line-wide relaunch is not a reboot, but the name seems to have caught on. Some commentary and news around the web…

Before the announcement (reacting to rumors)

After the announcement

And lots more, of course!

Speed Reading: Flash Links

Some linkblogging for the weekend. Since I missed last week’s round-up, and since there’s been a lot of talk going on this week, I’m breaking down the two weeks’ worth of links into several posts.