Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading: Cool Moments, Jumping On, Coloring and Mor(rison)

Comics Should Be Good highlights more Cool Comic Book Moments from Mark Waid’s Flash story, Terminal Velocity. They’ve got two items from Flash #99: Wally’s sacrifice and Bart stepping up (which doesn’t go quite as well as he expects) — and one of two moments from Flash #100: Wally’s…return? One more coming up tomorrow. Update: the conclusion is up!

Comics in Crisis thinks that now is a perfect time for new readers to jump into the Flash.

Wally’s World: If I Ran DC Comics (Part 1)

iFanboy compares comic book coloring techniques from the 1980s and today, using pages from Secret Wars and The Flash: Rebirth as examples.

Lying in the Gutters, in its final column, cites conflicting rumors on the future of Justice League of America, with either a Grant Morrison/Jim Lee team-up or Geoff Johns. Earlier rumors had Geoff Johns and Jim Lee.

When Worlds Collide has put together a list of the Best and Worst of Grant Morrison, with a Top 10 and Bottom 5. I’ve only read about 1/3 of the combined list. Update: Comics Should Be Good fires back with another Top 10 Grant Morrison list.

Also interesting: my Google Alert for “flash comics” came up with this list of things about the (American) comic book industry that should be common knowledge, but aren’t.

Speed Reading: Mirrors and Rainbows Addicted to Crime

Some links of note before this holiday weekend:

Flashy Links

Comics Should Be Good’s Year of Comic Book Moments features Flash v.2 #73, Wally and Linda’s first Christmas together and a surprise visit from the man in red.

Somehow I missed this when it was posted, but Mightygodking has an off-kilter profile of the Rainbow Raider.

Comic Coverage looks at the time Mirror Master managed to transform the Flash into a mirror.

Silver Age Comics looks at the way crime was treated as an addiction in many comics of the era, particularly The Flash — again focusing on the Mirror Master.

Update: Karl Kerschl has posted a progress shot of the Flash being inked for Wednesday Comics.

Whirlwind Tour

The Source previews what’s in store for Justice Society of America as Bill Willingham, Matt Sturges and Jesus Merino take over the book.

Darcey McLaughlin of the Miramichi Leader notes that death has lost all meaning in comic books.

Scott’s Classic Comics Corner (Comics Should Be Good) has an interesting post on measuring scarcity in comics collecting.

Karl Kerschl’s (Flash in Wednesday Comics) webcomic, The Abominable Charles Christopher, has reached its 100th episode.

Finally, if you’ll excuse the plug, please take a look at my eBay auctions if you haven’t recently. I’ve got several DVDs and CDs up right now, as well as a promotional Star Trek T-shirt from San Diego 2007.

Speed Reading: Kadabra, Death, and the Marks

Linkblogging for a Friday afternoon…

The Absorbascon examines Abra Kadabra, go-to-guy for crazy, impossible things.

Now Read This! reviews Flash: Emergency Stop.

Death and Rebirth

The Alliterates ponders why dead men (Barry & Hal) tell more tales.

Dan Didio talks death and resurrection in his latest 20 Questions feature.

Where Are They Now?

Mark Waid talks Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer.

Marc Guggenheim (“Full Throttle”) and Michael Green talk about trying to get serialized fiction onto TV…not to mention dealing with religious themes on TV.

Speed Reading: Bow Ties, Variant Covers, and Top Villains

I’m working on a round-up of reviews of Flash: Rebirth #2, but that’s taking a while. For now, here’s some general Flash linkblogging.

Current Events

The webcomic Comic Critics takes on Wardrobe Origins. (If you’ve read Flash: Rebirth #2, you can probably guess where this is going.)

Major Spoilers’ Stephen is impressed to see DC unveil a variant cover he actually wants.

Star Clipper looks at Flash: Rebirth in the context of reviving a failing franchise.

CBR talks to Mark Waid about the “24/7” arc in Spider-Man.

Edit: Just after I posted this, I saw this scan of Tiny TitansBattle for the COW joke.

The Tops

Flash Comics #1The Judge declares Flash Comics #1 to have the Best.Cover.Ever.

POP puts Professor Zoom on its list of 25 coolest comic book villains.

IGN’s Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time includes Shade at #89, Mirror Master at #79, Zoom at #37, Gorilla Grodd at #35, Professor Zoom at #31 [Update:] Captain Cold at #27. (At this time, the top 30 20 is not up yet.)

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-05-10

  • Interesting: next week’s comics include 1st issues of Unwritten, Unknown, and Unthinkable.
  • Grumpy Old Fan of @robot6 wonders: was it really necessary to kill Bart Allen and X just to bring them back in LO3W?
  • Utter horror: just realized I actually remember bits of the Star Wars: Droids cartoon theme song from the 1980s.
  • Amazon’s new Kindle DX: at 9.7″ it could handle B&W comics just fine (but the $490 price is a bit steep)
  • This week’s haul: Flash:Rebirth, Buffy, Astro City & 2 Farscape issues
  • Yeah, the Secret Origin of Barry Allen’s Bow Tie was unnecessary.
  • Major speedster color schemes: Red&Gold (Flash, Kid Flash, Johnny Quick) or Blue&White (Quicksilver, XS, Max Mercury, Savitar).
  • WTF? They’re remaking Clash of the Titans?
  • *sigh* why do new comics have to come out the same day as LOST?
  • RT @weeklycrisis: Discussing Grant Morrison’s Multiversity with new details from yesterday’s @CBR interview
  • Funny RT @jordachewee: Will Jay Garrick, Wally West or Barry Allen be able to help me with Adobe Flash?
  • Impulse/Bart Allen returns to Smallville for next week’s season finale. Photo w/ Black Canary
  • Some #comics blogger types for #followfriday – @weeklycrisis, @collectededitions, @comicbooklegacy, @johannadc, @comixace
  • Linda Park-West is #8 on Newsarama’s Top 10 Best Moms in Comics for #MothersDay (they have a Top 10 Worst Moms too)
  • Saw Wolverine. Was OK. Felt more like an episode of Heroes than any of the X-Men movies.
  • Every time I hear an ad for “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” It sounds like “Keeping Up With the Cardassians” #startrek
  • Comic fan dislikes movies b/c art created mainly for money is corrupt. What do they think motivated comics to start with?
  • Things to consider when running a “save our show” campaign & what NOT to do: (via @johannadc and @mikesterling)

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