Category Archives: Round-Ups

Linkage: Didio, Ramos & More

CBR talks with Dan Didio about Flash:Rebirth and why Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver are right for the job — namely, their work relaunching Green Lantern. “They are going to embrace everything there is about The Flash, not ignore it, and I think the story lends itself to the whole Flash legacy and how important Barry is to it.”

Meanwhile, Occasional Superheroine’s Valerie D’Orazio comments on Didio’s “rebooting was a mistake” remarks from Fan Expo.

Newsarama’s Vaneta Rogers has a trio of interviews. First she talks with Humberto Ramos, original artist on Impulse, about the upcoming relaunch of Runaways. Next, Geoff Johns discusses Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds. Finally, Marc Guggenheim is writing another Flash: a Spider-Man spotlight on Flash Thompson, drawn by Flash/Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold artist Barry Kitson. has launched the Con Anti-Harassment Project.

Brian Cronin of Comics Should Be Good presents the Cronin Theory of Comics – Comics Tend to Eventually Regress to the Mean. For the most part, characters will reset over time to the “standard” interpretation. Rarely, that standard will change, such as Dick Grayson as Nightwing, rather than Robin. It will be interesting to see how this applies to Wally West, now that DC is pushing Barry Allen as, in EVS’ words, “The King of Flashes.”

Linkage: Flash Week

The blog Once Upon a Geek has just wrapped up Flash Week, focusing on everyone’s favorite speedster.

Rogues’ Revenge Review Round-Up

The reviews are in for the first issue of Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge, and they’ve been overwhelmingly positive.

Linkage: Rogues, True Believers, and More

1. Lying in the Gutters comments on Rogues’ Revenge:

If “Captain Britain” is the “Secret Invasion” spinoff that’s more entertaining than the series it spins off from, then “Rogue’s Revenge” is the “Final Crisis” spinoff that you can actually understand and enjoy, even if you have no idea of the continuity and characters it refers to?

2. CBR has an article on True Believers, the Marvel mini-series by 1970s Flash writer Cary Bates, including 6 pages of preview art. The first issue comes out next week.

3. Flash Companion author Keith Dallas has posted his San Diego schedule:

On Thursday from 3-4PM I’ll be a panelist on “TwoMorrows Publishing Today” in Room 10.

I’ll also be at the TwoMorrows booth (#1215) autographing The Flash Companion during these dates and times:

Thursday, 4-5pm
Friday, 3-4pm
Saturday, 11-12pm

Linkage: Velocity and MK vs. DC

Various news bits today:

Newsarama interviews Joe Casey on his upcoming Velocity series starring the speedster from Cyberforce

Justice League: The New Frontier has been nominated for an Emmy award (via Blog@Newsarama)

Mike Schramm of Joystiq got to play a demo of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe at E3 last weekend. (via Blog@Newsarama)

For their part, [senior designer Brian] Lebaron did say that Midway is trying to push the line as much as possible, both with DC and with the ESRB (the game is set to be rated T): he showed us a Scorpion fatality against the Flash where Bart Allen (at least we saw him as Bart Allen — when we asked Lebaron which Flash he was, Midway said they weren’t choosing a certain one) fell to the ground, his costume and skin charred and burned.