This blog is going to be a companion piece to the website, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.
The Scarlet Speedster hasn’t really had a blog out there since Crimson Lightning shut down, and since I’ve been adding news items to the front page of my own site, I figured I’d step in and fill the gap.
I’ll be posting Flash-related news here, including a weekly round-up of Flash comics, as well as articles that might not fit into the existing site structure, and (eventually) reviews as well. I’ll be refining the look and features over the next couple of weeks, and cross-linking it more into Ride the Lightning. I might keep the current theme with a few tweaks, or I might try to match Ride the Lightning, or I might build something else entirely. Feedback on any aspect of the site is welcome!
For now… welcome aboard!
I’ve enabled Gravatars on this site, so if you have one (and if you don’t, it’s free and easy to set one up) and you leave your email address when commenting, your icon will appear next to your comments. If you don’t have one, the site will generate a geometric pattern using WP_Identicon.
Also, I’m still working on the layout. To start with I just grabbed a theme that looked like it would fit. I may keep this one with a few adjustments, or I may switch to something else entirely. If you have problems viewing the site, please let me know in a comment here! Please include the name and version of your web browser (ex: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, etc.) and the name and version of your operating system (Windows Vista, Mac OS X Tiger and so on).
Finally, if you have any suggestions for feature you would like to see, this is the place to mention them.