Category Archives: Site News

Blogging Elite?

When I launched this blog, I did several things in order to promote it. I added it to my forum signatures. I took blogs that I read occasionally and made them regular reads, and started using this URL when commenting. And I submitted the site to some relevant blog directories.

I found Comic Blog Elite through Collected Editions. Speed Force started off fairly low in rank (in part because it started late in the day, so the daily averages were pulled down by that first day with only 1 or 2 hours), but it’s been slowly climbing up the ranks. I figured it would eventually settle around #5 or so.

Amazingly, for the last few days, Speed Force and Collected Editions have been vying for the #3 spot.


Here’s a big thank-you to everyone who’s been reading!

San Diego Con Coverage (2008)

I’ll be attending Comic-Con International in San Diego next week. For the last few years I’ve been posting reports during the con at my other blog, K-Squared Ramblings, and I’ll continue that this year in the Comic-Con 2008 category. I will be posting stuff here as well, especially anything Flash-related — like these Flash hall costumes from last year, or the 50 Years of the Flash panel two years ago.

This will be my 19th year at the con, which I’ve attended every summer since 1990. Scary numbers, there.

If you’re interested, here’s a list of my past convention reports and photos, including San Diego from 2003-2007, Wizard World Los Angeles from 2007-2008, and WonderCon 2008.

Questions for Readers

Wow… it’s hard to believe it’s been a month since I launched this blog. I’m starting to get a feel for how I want to structure it — what to include, when, etc. But this is supposed to be a resource for Flash fans, so I thought I’d ask you: what do you want from this site?


  1. When should I post the list of each week’s Flash-related comics?  Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday?
  2. What about more general comics content?  The site is going to stay focused on the Flash and other speedsters, and I’ve got another blog to post completely unrelated stuff.  But what about posts like this one on spending at San Diego Comic-Con?
  3. Should it lean more towards news or commentary? I’m thinking in terms of Warren Ellis’ post on content vs. linkblogs last week, and realizing that this first month has been very link-heavy.
  4. What other features would you like to see?

Also, I’ve got a request for you, if you like the site: Please spread the word! For instance:

  • Promote the occasional article on your favorite social bookmarking site, like Digg, or StumbleUpon, or (I’ll try to help by writing posts that are worth linking to!)
  • Review the blog. Speed Force is listed in several directories, but hasn’t picked up any ratings or reviews yet. That includes Comic Blog Elite, Blog Catalog, Blog Explosion (members only), and StumbleUpon (ditto).
  • If you really like it, and have your own blog, please add it to your blogroll. (Thanks to site that have already done this, including Comic Book Revolution, ACDC Comics Report, Smoking Boots, Blogging Away in LA, and We gotta to go to the crappy town where I’m the hero!)
  • Mention it from time to time on comic boards that you visit, or to friends who like the Flash. (When appropriate, of course.)

Also, please let me know about any cool Flash news or interesting articles you see. I still haven’t set up that contact form, but you can email me at speedforce [at] pobox [dot] com or send me a PM at any of the forums listed on the About Page.


Welcome to!

This blog is going to be a companion piece to the website, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.

The Scarlet Speedster hasn’t really had a blog out there since Crimson Lightning shut down, and since I’ve been adding news items to the front page of my own site, I figured I’d step in and fill the gap.

I’ll be posting Flash-related news here, including a weekly round-up of Flash comics, as well as articles that might not fit into the existing site structure, and (eventually) reviews as well. I’ll be refining the look and features over the next couple of weeks, and cross-linking it more into Ride the Lightning. I might keep the current theme with a few tweaks, or I might try to match Ride the Lightning, or I might build something else entirely.  Feedback on any aspect of the site is welcome!

For now… welcome aboard!


I’ve enabled Gravatars on this site, so if you have one (and if you don’t, it’s free and easy to set one up) and you leave your email address when commenting, your icon will appear next to your comments.  If you don’t have one, the site will generate a geometric pattern using WP_Identicon.

Also, I’m still working on the layout.  To start with I just grabbed a theme that looked like it would fit.  I may keep this one with a few adjustments, or I may switch to something else entirely.  If you have problems viewing the site, please let me know in a comment here!  Please include the name and version of your web browser (ex: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, etc.) and the name and version of your operating system (Windows Vista, Mac OS X Tiger and so on).

Finally, if you have any suggestions for feature you would like to see, this is the place to mention them.