Category Archives: Timely

Contest: Your favorite Flash memory!

Hey there, Flash fans, and welcome to Speed Force’s fourth anniversary celebration! We four regular contributors will be writing about some of our favorite Flash memories, and thought it might be nice to get you folks involved as well. What better way to do that than with a contest?

Here’s how it’ll go: simply share your favorite Flash-related memory, or an early memory that you think is pretty special (for whatever reason — it could be entirely personal) in the comments section of this post. We’ll collect the stories and set them up as a poll to be voted on by readers, and the top-rated four will win!

There will be four winners, and the contest will run until 9 pm ET on Tuesday, June 19. Prizes will include Flash variant issues. There aren’t any rules or restrictions, although please share just one story to make things fair for everyone. So dig deep into your memories, and have fun!

Update: The results are in!

Back Brian Buccellato’s FOSTER Anthology on Kickstarter

Last month I wrote about Flash co-writer Brian Buccellato’s Kickstarter campaign to launch a collection of short stories set in the world of his creator-owned horror/crime thriller, Foster. Response has been great, and he’s met the initial goal…and now he’s expanded the project.

More pages, more artists and writers…and of course, more money. The goal now is to raise $7,000-$7500 by May 20. If you haven’t backed the project yet, and you like what you’ve seen of Foster, now’s your chance. If you have backed, consider increasing your pledge.

» Foster Anthology on Kickstarter

Brian Buccellato’s Foster #3 and Foster Anthology Kickstarter

Flash co-writer/artist Brian Buccellato’s creator-owned comic book, Foster, has added a new chapter. Issue #3 is now available in the limited edition from his website and at upcoming convention appearances, while issue #1 (and soon #2) is available in a standard edition with cover by series artist Noel Tuazon. All three issues are available digitally for $1.99 (less than a new DC comic!)

For Comic-Con International, Buccellato plans to release a Foster Anthology featuring five short stories with different artists, set in different time periods and fleshing out the universe. Unlike the main series, this one is being funded through Kickstarter, seeking to raise $5,000 by May 20.

If nothing else, you need to look at the list of perks you get for various donation amounts. Some of them are obvious, like the “It’s just like pre-ordering it” level, or free-sketch level, but for $30 he’ll let you win at Words With Friends, for $150, he’ll meet you at an LA-area gas station and pump your gas, for $250 he’ll play basketball with you…

Foster, a haunted war veteran trying to forget the world at the bottom of a bottle, becomes the guardian of a 6 year-old boy who is the offspring of a woman and a primal race of supernatural creatures that lurk on the fringes of society and need him to repopulate. In a world where technology is stuck in the analog ’70s and danger lurks around every corner, three rival factions want the half-breed child. Now Foster must navigate the shadow world, twisted scientists and his own past in order to keep the boy safe while winning his trust, nurturing his humanity, and trying to prevent him from giving in to the monster within.

It’s a great book, very different in tone from The Flash but in a way that fits the story and genre. Definitely recommended.