Tag Archives: Captain Boomerang

This Week: Flash #7 (UPDATED with Preview)

This week sees the release of The Flash , a one-shot Rogue Profile story focusing on Captain Boomerang.

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
1:10 “DC 75th Anniversary” Variant cover by DARWYN COOKE

The Rogue Profile issues return as BRIGHTEST DAY zips on with a spotlight turned toward the resurrected Captain Boomerang! He knows why he’s back and what he needs to do. But does he still have what it takes to be a Rogue?

UPDATE: DC has posted a 5-page preview, which you can read at The Source. Update 2: Here’s Newsarama’s copy for those of you who can’t see the images DC posts on The Source.

Weekend Updates: Zoom & Captain Boomerang

I’ve updated two entries over at my Flash reference site, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.

First, I’ve posted an updated image of Captain Boomerang. After updating his biography last month, I realized I needed to add an image of his new costume. While I was at it, I also added images of him as a Black Lantern and White Lantern.

Something I’ve been thinking about off and on has been how best to present the Blackest Night Lantern Corps costumes. I finally decided the best choice was to just post them in each character’s profile, though I may do a round-up at some point.

Then I decided that if I was posting Digger’s Black and White Lantern looks, I’d take care of the Reverse-Flash as well. That was when I realized that I hadn’t updated his entry since before Flash: Rebirth. Oops!

So I filled in some more detail on what I had already, then wrote up the key elements that have changed: His resurrection in Blackest Night, his transformation in Flash: Rebirth, and his time-travel campaign against Barry Allen.

Both articles are up to date with the Brightest Day status quo…though I’m sure there will be some new wrinkles coming up in their Rogue Profile issues this fall.

Speed Reading: Boomerang, Barry & Iris, Bart, Sonic & More

Some linkblogging for the weekend.


Other speedsters

  • Impulse Flashback: Bart Allen’s first day of school at Comics Should Be Good’s Year of Cool Comics
  • First Comics News’ Sonic The Hedgehog Month is almost over
  • Top Cow will be selling the SDCC and Supercon Velocity variants through retail in November

Other comics

White Lantern Captain Boomerang and Brightest Day Variant Covers

DC has posted Ryan Sook [edit], Fernando Pasarin and Joel Gomez’ full Brightest Day image, featuring the twelve resurrected characters as White Lanterns. It’s made up of variant covers appearing on the Brightest Day-related comics this month and next, all aligned to create one complete picture.

There are two Flash-related characters in this set. Professor Zoom appears on the alternate cover for Green Lantern Corps #51 (posted here last night). Chances are that this Captain Boomerang will be the varaint cover for The Flash #5, currently due September 15.

Click through either image for the Source article, which includes a much larger version of the combined image. You really do have to see this thing full-sized.

Update: The Beat points out that the piece is inspired by Michelangelo’s famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Also, I forgot to include Fernando Pasarin, Joel Gomez, and Jim Lee in the credits. If I’m reading the Source post correctly, Lee did the overall design, Sook did the figures, and Pasarin and Gomez did the cosmic scene in the center (and possibly the thrones).

Update 2: Comics Alliance has an analysis of the image.