Tag Archives: Contest

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Seven!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:

Tell it like it is, Box of Speed…

Congrats to Robert!  This week’s subject was Flash #136, (February 1998): “Radio Days,” writer – Grant Morrison, artist – Paul Ryan.  Flash is forced to race his childhood imaginary friend across the universe, to the death.  Robert wins his choice of Flash posters!

See you next time, when we’ll ask “Where Was Wally West?”!

Contest: Where Was Wally West? Week Seven!

With Flashpoint upon us, and major changes for DC Comics heroes apparently on the horizon, Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, we present the latest installment in our ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!

Just send your responses to this email address (whereswally at speedforce dot org), and we’ll announce the winner on Monday!

So check out the image below and ask yourself, “WWWW?”.

This week’s prize will be revealed with the winner on Monday . Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Six!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:


This week’s straw-in-a-hurricane is…


Congrats to Michael!  This week’s subject was Flash #43, (September–October 1990): “Night of the Mechanical Zombies,” writer – William Messner-Loebs, artist – Greg LaRocque. This is the scene where Flash is fighting the Kilg%re, and receives the ‘pill’ which will bring him back to life in issue #50.  Michael wins a copy of the Terminal Velocity TPB.

See you on Wednesday for the next installment in “Where Was Wally West?”!

Contest: Where Was Wally West? Week Six

With Flashpoint upon us, Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, we present the latest installment in our ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!

Just send your responses to this email address (whereswally at speedforce dot org), and we’ll announce the winner on Monday!

So check out the image below and ask yourself, “WWWW?”.

This week’s prize is the Flash: Terminal Velocity TPB. Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Five!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:


Check your interval vibrations, because the winner is…

Congrats to Aaron!  This week’s answer was JLA: Earth 2, art by Frank Quitely and story by Grant Morrison.  Flash works alongside the JLA to rebuild an Earth ruled by the Crime Syndicate.  Aaron wins a hardcover copy of Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge.

See you on Wednesday for the next installment in “Where Was Wally West?”!

Contest: Where Was Wally West? Week Five

Leading up to today’s release of Flashpoint and Flash #12, Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, here is the latest installment in our ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!

Just send your responses to this email address (whereswally at speedforce dot org), and we’ll announce the winner on Monday!

So check out the image below and ask yourself, WWWW?

This week’s prize is the Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge hardcover by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins. Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.