Tag Archives: Contest

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Four!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:

Where's Wally?

With clasps of solid lightning, the Box of Speed holds the key to some of the deepest secrets and darkest corners of Flash contests…

…and the winner is…


Congrats to Esteban!  This week’s answer was Flash V. 2 #169, art by Angel Unzueta and Doug Hazlewood.  In Geoff Johns’ first Flash story, Wally struggles to overcome the challenges of being powerless a mirror world, rife with haunting alternate versions of his friends and enemies…

Esteban has had a big week when it comes to Flash.  He is the man who got the low-down on the lack of Mark Waid on the DC: Retroactive 90’s Flash story, and now he is this week’s WWWW winner!  His site, Comic Verso, is a great source for Spanish-language comic book news, reviews and features.

See you on Wednesday for the next installment in “Where Was Wally West?”!

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Three!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the third week of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:


Made from pure Speed Force energy and wood, the Box of Speed enlightens all who dare to look within:

…and the winner is…


Congrats to David!  This week’s answer was Flash Annual 13, by Chuck Dixon and Enrique Alcatena.  Wally teams up with Argentina’s greatest heroes!  David wins a JG Jones Final Crisis Flash poster.

Check back here on Wednesday for the next installment in WWWW!

Contest: Where Was Wally West? — Week Three

It is convention season, and Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was! With that knowledge, we introduce our new ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”. Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize! Just send your responses to whereswally – at – speedforce.org, and we’ll announce the winner next week!

So check out the image to the right and ask yourself, WWWW?

This week’s prize is the Flash Final Crisis poster by JG Jones. Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Two!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the second week of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:

Wally in time -- where is he?

From the Speed Force itself comes the enigmatic Box of Speed!  Its contents: unknown!  Its answers: both mystical and binding!


…and the winner is…

Congrats to Steve!  This week’s answer was Flash, vol.2, #68: “Beat the Clock,” panel by Greg LaRocque (Flash legend, upcoming Flash: RetroActive artist, friend of the site) & Jose Marzan, Jr., story by Mark Waid.  In that story, Wally took on the Central Clockworks that governed society in Abra Kadabra’s home era.  Steve wins a copy of The Return of Barry Allen trade paperback!

Check back here on Wednesday for the next installment in WWWW!

Contest: “Where Was Wally West?”, Week Two!

It is convention season, and Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?” 

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was!  With that knowledge, we introduce our new ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?” 

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize!  Just send your responses to this email address, and we’ll announce the winner next week! 

So check out the image below and ask yourself, WWWW?

 Wally in time -- where is he?

This week’s prize is a copy of the Return of Barry Allen trade paperback by Mark Waid and Greg LaRocque!

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week One

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force! 

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here was this week’s subject:

Now, cast your eyes upon the mysterious Box of Speed, as we reveal this week’s champion and winner of an original copy of Flash: Iron Heights…

…and the winner is…

Congrats to Binyamin!  This week’s answer was Flash, vol.2, #113: “Wallyworld,” panel by Oscar Jimenez, story by Mark Waid.  In that story, Wally travels to the 64th Century, where his previous victories have led to a society sculpted in his image…for better or worse. 

Check back here on Wednesday for the next installment in WWWW!