Tag Archives: Flash TV Show 2014

Flash Media Round-Up: Movie Iris, Season 3 Villain

Actress Kiersey Clemons is reportedly the top choice for the female lead in the Flash movie. Clemons also appeared in Dope, the movie that director Rick Famuyiwa is best known for. Ezra Miller plays Barry Allen in the film, so the female lead is likely to be Iris West.

On the heels of yesterday’s Kid Flash reveal, set photos have captured Keiynan Lonsdale in costume along with another actor in an unidentified costume that looks villainous. Possible spoilers after the cut. Continue reading

First Look at CW’s Keiynan Lonsdale as KID FLASH! (Wally West!)

CW Kid Flash 1

CW has released two publicity photos of Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West on the Flash TV show) in full costume as Kid Flash!

No word yet on when he’ll gain his speed, whether it’s part of the Flashpoint storyline or something that will happen as the timeline is repaired. (via Flash TV News)

Update: According to Entertainment Weekly he’ll debut as Kid Flash during the season three premiere, “Flashpoint.”

So what do you think? Love the costume? Think it needs work? Are you looking forward to seeing Wally West in super-speed live action? Sound off!

CW Kid Flash 2

Tom Felton Cast For Flash Season Three

Harry Potter actor Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) will appear in a regular role in Season Three of The Flash TV series. According to TVLine, he’ll be playing Julian Dorn, another member of the CCPD CSI team who suspects there’s more to Barry Allen than might appear. It’s interesting that the character appears to have a unique name not based in Flash lore, although one’s tempted to suspect it might be alias (and let’s face it, that has precedent on the show). Felton played a major villain in the Harry Potter series, so maybe he’ll be a villain here too, or maybe that’s a red herring. We’ll have to see, because little else seems to be known about his character or the role yet.

Are you a fan of Tom Felton? Have any hopes or predictions for what we’ll see him do on the show? Share your thoughts!

Media Updates: Flash & Batman in the Movies, Jesse Quick Returns, SDCC Panel Schedule

Warner Bros. TV schedule is up for Comic-Con International. The Flash TV Show Panel will be Saturday, July 23 at 5pm in Ballroom 20:

Parallel universes…and doppelgangers…and man-sharks, oh my! The second season of The CW’s highest-rated series had more than its fair share of twists and turns, but none compared to Barry Allen’s jaw-dropping decision to go back in time and save his mother from his arch-nemesis, Reverse-Flash, a decision that called the entire timeline into question. But fear not, fans, you won’t have to wait until the fall to start getting answers to some of your most pressing questions, as the cast and creative team behind the show make their annual appearance at Comic-Con to begin giving fans insight into the show’s highly anticipated third season.

Violett Beane is set to return as Jesse Wells in Season 3 of the show. No word yet on whether she’ll be the Earth-2 Jesse we know or from another timeline, or whether we’ll see her as a speedster anytime soon. (via ComicsAlliance)

Warner Bros. showed a scene from Justice League featuring Batman (Ben Affleck) and the Flash (Ezra Miller) to the press, and CinemaBlend describes the scene, which shows the first meeting of Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen. The tone is reportedly a bit lighter than most of Batman v. Superman, and the scene tells us a few important things about the cinematic universe’s Barry Allen, and more. Spoilers of course.

Flash Season 3 Begins with…. FLASHPOINT

As anticipated, Flash Season 3 will start with a form of “Flashpoint.” The 2011 event miniseries featured Barry Allen accidentally changing history. The ripple effects of the Flash saving his mother led to a world where Barry never became the Flash, Bruce Wayne never became Batman, Superman was a lifelong prisoner in a science lab, and Wonder Woman and Aquaman led their nations in a global war that threatened to destroy everything.

Grant Gustin confirmed that the season three premiere is titled Flashpoint, but adds that the TV show’s adaptation “will be its own thing.”



Obviously they can’t do the exact same story in a universe that already doesn’t have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman, but they can certainly take the basics:

Flash changes his parents’ history, accidentally screws everything up, and has to fix it.

(When I put it that way, it sounds a lot more like Back to the Future, doesn’t it?)

I think Earth-1 Real-Harrison Wells is a safe bet for the altered timeline, as is seeing Eddie Thawne again. An Arrowverse Citizen Cold could be a lot of fun, as long as they don’t go the full cannon-fodder route that the comic did.

In the comics, DC used the event as an excuse to relaunch their entire line with a new history at the end. Barry fixed time, but it didn’t settle in quite the same way as before. I can’t imagine the CW will completely reboot four TV shows at once — they’ve all got way too much momentum to do that. But they certainly have the opportunity to make adjustments like they did with the Pied Piper this year. Earth-1 Wells might be able to stick around afterward, for instance, or Jesse might have an Earth-1 counterpart. Or they could do something bigger, like merging Supergirl’s universe with the Arrowverse. Or at least explain why National City suddenly looks more like Vancouver than Los Angeles.

(Hat tip: Flash TV News)

Flash may be coming to Netflix faster this year, but leaving Hulu

The CW and Netflix have been renegotiating their contract, making some viewers worry that the 2015-2016 (and later) seasons of Flash, Arrow etc. might not make it to Netflix at all. Now a report at Variety suggests that they’re close to finalizing a deal which would not only keep the shows available, but would bring them to the streaming service much faster — within a few weeks of the end of the season instead of waiting for months. This will give new viewers a chance to catch up before the next season without chugging coffee and skipping sleep for a few days. (via ComicsAlliance)

The network’s deal with Hulu is also expiring, but they apparently haven’t been able to reach an agreement. It seems Hulu wanted the rights to the whole season as each episode became available, not just the most recent five episodes. Understandable, especially since it turns out most of Hulu’s CW-related traffic was viewers watching Flash and Arrow!

Free streaming during the season will still be available on CW’s website. I tried that a couple of times this year after missing an episode, but it just didn’t play very well. I ended up buying a couple of episodes on Google Play. With any luck, they’ll fix the site.

So what do you think: Looking forward to Netflix? Disappointed to lose Hulu? Don’t care because you watch live / wait for the DVD anyway?

Update July 5: The new Netflix/CW deal is official, and full seasons of Flash, Arrow, etc. will be available starting eight days after the season finale.