Tag Archives: Smallville

Speed Reading: Archenemies, SBP, CFJ, Smallville, Art, and More

Some weekend linkblogging.


The Speedster Site Forum wants to know: Who do you consider the Flash’s archenemy?

The Weekly Crisis posts thoughts on comics for November. Regarding Superboy Prime’s upcoming appearance in Adventure Comics (a Blackest Night tie-in), Ryan says, “The only way this won’t make me even more annoyed with the end of Legion of Three Worlds is if the Superboy Prime scenes are actually just him ranting on message boards.”

ICv2’s Confessions of a Comic-Book Guy discusses two events in Justice League: Cry For Justice : one now infamous among comics discussion circles, the other the less-commented-on off-panel killing of Jay Garrick’s three dimwitted sidekicks.

Update: IO9 talks to Mark Waid about The Unknown, science, and death, and has the first issue online for free. The Unknown has been an excellent miniseries, and I’m really looking forward to the conclusion on Wednesday.


Photon Torpedoes looks at the use of ghost images to show the Flash’s speed in Blackest Night.

Adventure Comics artist Francis Manapul has posted photos of several convention sketches he’s done this year, including the Flash and Kid Flash! Elfgrove posts a scan of another Francics Manapul Kid Flash. Update: Manapul has posted a follow-up with more sketches after asking fans to send in their scans.

Update: Former Impulse artist Craig Rousseau shares a sketch of Bart Allen.


Geoff Johns drops a hint about his upcoming Smallville episode, “Society:”

The Justice Society will be heroes that come out of ‘retirement’ to see how the current generation operates. Can’t say much more than that right now. Sorry! πŸ™‚

Superhero Shows spotlights the Flash’s TV appearances in cartoons and live-action, from the early Filmation cartoons of the 1960s through to recent appearances on Smallville and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.


Long Beach Comic-Con (October 2-4) is running a “Why Long Beach?” series on life outside the convention. So far they’ve posted nearby attractions and a restaurant guide.

Please help identify these Unknown Cosplay Characters from various conventions! I’ve got a few of my own photos in there of people who had interesting costumes, but I still have no idea who they were dressed as!

Flash on Smallville This Week

Well, Impulse, anyway. Be sure to tune in to Smallville this week as Bart Allen (Kyle Gallner) returns for the season finale, “Doomsday.”

Black Canary and Impulse. Image c/o KryptonSite.

Bart previously appeared in the fourth-season episode, “Run,” for which he was billed as the Flash, and the sixth-season “Justice” (alongside Green Arrow, Cyborg, and Aquaman), where he was given the name Impulse. This time, Justice League members include Black Canary and Green Arrow.

Read up on Bart’s past Smallville Appearances at Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.

Bart Allen Returns to Smallville

Kryptonsite is reporting that Kyle Gallner will return as Bart Allen in the May 14 season finale of Smallville, “Doomsday.”

This version of Bart originally appeared in the fourth-season episode, “Run” (2004), in which he was billed in advertisements as The Flash, then returned for the sixth-season episode “Justice” (2007). This time he was working with Green Arrow, Aquaman, and Cyborg, forming the beginnings of what would one day become the Justice League of America. His teammates gave him a different code-name, though: Impulse.

According to Kryptonsite, Justice Leaguers Green Arrow and Black Canary will also appear in the episode, along with Cosmic Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Which reminds me, I really need to get around to watching the Geoff Johns-scripted LSH episode sometime. I wonder if Smallville is on Hulu or something.

(Via Prime at Speedster Site)

Geoff Johns on Flash: Rebirth, Smallville and More

Geoff Johns was all over the place this week, talking with Hero Complex about several projects including Flash: Rebirth, to Newsarama about his Smallville episode, Legion, and to Wizard about the comic book projects he has for 2009.

Regarding Flash: Rebirth, he tells Hero Complex about series losing their focus:

When the book starts to not be about that, maybe it needs to refocus. Writing Flash with Wally West, he was kind of the sidekick to Barry Allen, the original, then he became the main Flash after Barry left and died. But you look at what the theme of Flash’s book has been for the last 200-something issues with Wally West and it’s been about a man trying to fill someone else’s boots. It doesn’t really have anything to do with speed. I mean, it has something to do with speed, but it was not totally what the book was about. The new Flash that I’m doing is all about speed. What speed means. I’m sure that you have a Blackberry or cellphone, or I’m sure that you’ve downloaded songs or something and asked, “Why is it taking so long?” Everyone wants everything faster today, so speed is even more of something that we can all relate to on a different level.

I like the fact that he wants to focus the book on speed. However….

The guy writing Flash: Rebirth, who also wrote ~60 issues of the last series, feels that Wally West’s defining characteristic is being a wannabe. Remind me again why Wally’s fans should simply relax and trust him? πŸ™„