New Look At More Heroclix

wizkids-sdcc-day-one07b Do you remember the Heroclix Flash set which was covered here a few days ago? It turns out that I should have been checking back every day, because WizKids added new ones for each day of SDCC. In addition to the ones we already saw, we now have a glimpse at Savitar, Abra Kadabra, an unpainted figure of the Shade, and New 52 Pied Piper. Also, somebody managed to find a tiny ad for the set which showed either Professor Zoom or Zoom. So there’s an interesting mix of New 52 and pre-reboot characters in this set, as well as some non-Flashverse characters like Flashpoint Deathstroke and the Authority. You can see more photos of these and some Marvel Heroclix at Crittohit.

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While we’re here, there’s another collectible set I wanted to mention. Originally, the Flashpoint Professor Zoom and Batman paperweights were going to be an online exclusive, and then the company said they’d be sold at SDCC. And the busts were indeed sold as SDCC exclusives, but they’re now apparently available through Previews as well. So if you had some interest in them but despaired about getting them from SDCC, you can seemingly order them via your local comic shop. They cost $50 at SDCC, and my comic shop owner said the price will probably be the same if you get it through Previews.

Anyone planning to pick these things up? Are there any other Flashverse characters you’re hoping to see announced in the Heroclix set? There will doubtlessly be more to come.


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